Idea ID: 2705839

opensource the categorizers

Status: Accepted

PLease do not only release the unbfuscated parsers in a github, but also release the categorizers for collaboration on a github repo.





  • Hi Andreas,

    There is a current policy in place today that any customer who wishes to have access to the un-obfuscated parsers will get access to them. If you want access to the parsers, I suggest you speak with either the Support team or Martyn Hill.

    Our intent is to build an easier process for customers to work with the parsers and to design an ecosystem supporting community contributions to these parsers. I would like this to include a built-in parser testing mechanism. This is going to take some time to implement and I do not have a timeframe for this since it is in early discussions architecturally. It will more than likely be phased in stages, with new functionality being added in each release.



    Wayne Dalesio

    Senior Product Line Manager – ArcSight Software

    “Software is a team sport!”

  • Hey Wayen   would you mind to share some time-schedule for this? I assume accepted means "We are about to do it".


