Idea ID: 2705646

ArcSight Smart Connector docker container

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

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ArcSight Smart Connector docker container suitable for environments that are not supported.


  • Tbh.. i think I would prefer code to build my own containers before I use containers from a repo. Maybe I need some specifics here and there... A certain SC version, you name it.. however I would like to see some thoughts on persistent volumes etc, because I don't want to loose my config after each container restart... for the pic it was not needed but for prod, for sure.

    Containers for each type? No means... Expose remote management port and configure the SC with ArcMC to your needs, easy like that. 



  • Tbh.. i think I would prefer code to build my own containers before I use containers from a repo. Maybe I need some specifics here and there... A certain SC version, you name it.. however I would like to see some thoughts on persistent volumes etc, because I don't want to loose my config after each container restart... for the pic it was not needed but for prod, for sure.

    Containers for each type? No means... Expose remote management port and configure the SC with ArcMC to your needs, easy like that. 



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