• Manager receipt time is one hour less than the time in our time zone

    Hello. It turned out to be a problem specifically for the Linux system, that the manager receipt time is one hour less than the current time. (By Linux I mean ArcSight console installed on Ubuntu). If the console is on Windows, then there is no such…
  • Changing time zone?

    How do I change the timezone of all the reports in HP ArcSight? Currently it s displayed in UTC and I want to change it to some other timezone.
  • __createLocalTimeStamp question

    Hi, Due to the Microsoft bydesign format Exchange Mesaagetracking logs cretaed in GMT time. i think __createLocalTimeStampFromGMT is used in this smartconnector and as the connector machine is in GMT 2 now endtime is created with 2 correction. Turkey…
  • Oracle Audit DB time sync issues

    I have set up Oracle Auditing in my lab environment using the configuration from the SmartConnector install guide. The auditing is working correctly with all entries being added to the sys.aud$ table as expected. Audit Log entries are being recorded in…
  • Smart connector:Parsing GermanTimezone MESZ if Default Locale is US

    Hello everyone, i try to parse the following time "14 Apr 2015 14:56:37 MESZ" with a regex file connector where the systems default local is english. token[x].format=dd MMM yyyy HH\:mm\:ss z It works perfectly if the Input File is changed to " 14 Apr…
  • ArcSight Web Console: Where are the Time Zones?

    For Web Console (v. , under options > "locale" tab, there are missing time zones in the drop-down list (please see screenshot below)? Did anyone else notice this, and if so, how did you fix it? Did I find a bug or is this an ACL issue, or…
  • endtime field automaticly change to IST time when show at query viewer

    hi all, has anyone notice, when you try to query an event with endtime field within it the time automatically change to IST time? has anyone know how to keep or change back to local time? please advice, thanks and regard, Harri Darmawan
  • Changing Timezone in Arcsight Connector

    Hi All, A quick question around the potential issues in changing the 'Timezone Setting" in the NTP settings for the connector. We are currently looking to change the settings globally for the timezone from "Europe/London" to GMT to bring the connector…
  • Logger 5.3 RHEL Installer Issue

    We ran into a similar issue as the OP from this post: https://protect724.arcsight.com/message/29380#29380 This was happening while trying to install the software logger (version for the first time on a fresh installation of RHEL. It was…
  • Changing timezone in report

    I am collecting VPN session data from VPN concentrators located around the world into a session list in my manager. Since my manager is located in Eastern Timezone, all timestamps are in EST/EDT. I was asked for a report from our UK office about the usage…