• Q: how to move Smart Connector hosted on SW ArcMC?

    Hello all. What is the best practice to migrate a Smart Connector hosted on SW ArcMC to another ArcMC sw ? TAR files then untar on target? Container backup restore is for ARCMC applaince only? other? thank you R
  • Guidance on Implementing Data Enrichment through Third party threat intelligence Integration in ArcSight

    I am working on a use case to integrate Third party threat intelligence with ArcSight . The goal is to accomplish the following tasks: SIEM Data Enrichment Ingest raw log events into ArcSight. Create empty lookup files in ArcSight for each IOCs…
  • ArcSight Management Center 3.2 Administrator’s Guide

    Hello ArcSight community. I'm looking for the PDF of the ArcSight Management Center 3.2 Administrator’s Guide. Here https://www.microfocus.com/it-it/documentation/arcsight/arcmc-3.2/ are available only as ZIP(http structure) and HTML ; No PDF. Could…
  • HTTP 404 Error After Upgrading to ArcMC 3.2.1 on Redhat 8.4

    Hello, I recently upgraded my ArcMC from version 3.2.0 to 3.2.1 on a Red Hat 8.4 server. Following the upgrade, I am encountering the following error when accessing the web interface: HTTP Status 404 – Not Found Type Status Report Description The…
  • Unable to add transformation hub in arcmc

    Dear Team, I am new to the Transformation Hub configuration and would like to get help on this. We are not able to add Transformation hub as a host in ArcMC, I am getting below error while addition. Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL…
  • ArcMC cannot resolve connector hostname

    Hello, I am trying to add new host to the new clean install of ArcMC 3.2.2 but getting error with failed downloaded certificate. In parallel I have older ArcMC where things works fine. I can add connector server by IP but cannot by hostname. hostname…
  • Use root or non-root user for clean install ?

    Hello, I am going to install new Looger,ESM and ArcMC. I am not sure which user should I use ? As I understand when using root I can use lower ports and it is easier to register service to the system. However there is potential security risk. Also when…
  • Logger Cache

    Hi Community, I was hoping I could get some assistance regarding a cache issue, it seems as if events have been cached on ArcMC and have not reached the logger pool and only the ESM. AM i able to retrieve these logs and get the them restored to the pool…
  • ArcSightk Management Center (ArcMC) and Smart Connector as microservice on managed Kubernetes ?

    Hello, In our project we have ArcSight Management Center (ArcMC) and Arcsight Smart Connector each running on AWS EC2. I searched here for microservice deployment (managed Kubernetes - AWS EKS for example). Would ArcSight Management Center (ArcMC…
  • ArcMC Marketplace Certificate Warning

    Hello, I installed version 3.2.0 ArcMC and have marketplace certificate missmatch error. I used administrator guide and get new certificate and update in local os. this is not solved my certificate error. Than I saw new ArcMC version 3.2.1. Fixed…
  • agentdat folder size is more than cache sizing.

    Hi, I hope all is well. I notice that the size of the directory /current/user/agent/agentdata is more than the size assigned to the connector cache size. Many times the connector cache size is 1 GB and the agentdata is 12 GB. Also, what is the…
  • ArcMc Authentication Issue with LDAP

    Dears, the ArcMc authentication is working properly for a long time with LDAP, and suddenly we can't access and encounter this error: why this issue occured, and how to overcome it?
  • Can't delete a container from ArcMC

    Dear All, i hope all is well. i have a software ArcMC and installed on the same server a connector then add it to the arcMC. now i want to delete this container but unfortunately, i couldn't delete it. Any advice.
  • Configuration backup ESM

    Hi Experts, we are planning to take a configuration backup for arcsight products: first connector (we have already take a container backup from the ArcMc ) . Q:- how to restore that container backup? secondly, for ESM we took the system…
  • SIEM on RHEL 9.1

    Hello, will be problem install ArcMC, ESM and Logger on RHEL 9.1, since in documentation is mentioned only RHEL 8.6 so far. Regards Jan
  • Reset Password Arcsight Management Center 2.91

    Hello Everyone, I've forgot the password login to ArcMC, I tried this method to resset pass but unsuccessful. "1) Connect to the database /opt/local/pgsql/bin/psql -U web -d rwdb * Your install directory might differ from the above, figure it…
  • ArcMC Market place Error

    Hello, my ArcMC can't connect to the Marketplace. It was working fine, but suddenly getting error: Error occurred while retrieving parser upgrade versions from Marketplace. Please check logs for more details. But I don't know which logs: I tried replace…
  • How to integration ArcMC on Fusion Web UI

    Hello everyone, I'm deploying ArcSight Platform 2021.1, and on Fusion Web UI, i see ArcMC. But i cannot find any document about integration my ArcMC with that ArcMC. Anyone know how to integration? Thank you!
  • Getting ArcMC Containerized version to work

    Is there anything special that has to be completed to get the containerized version of ArcMC to display in your browser? In the configuration page of fusion, I gave the instance a random name and even opened up port 9000 on my master mode but I keep getting…
  • ArcMC 2.96 upgrade to ArcMC 3.0 not successful due to tomcat issues

    Hello, I keep getting this in the arcmc_web.out.log 18-Jul-2021 08:31:10.783 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows using OpenSSL was not found on the java.library…
  • ArcSight Management Center integration with Active Directory

    Hello everyone! We are currently setting up an instance of the ArcSight Management Center, and have the following question: Is to possible to integrate the ArcMC with and Active Directory for login purposes? After some research we couldn’t find…
  • Software ArcSight Logger : increase storage volume

    Hello everyone, I am new in Arcsight, I have a question about increasing storage volume of Arcsight Logger. when I increase the storage volume I must do that passing to maintenance mode, after a restart of the server the events are gone. How we can avoid…
  • Arcsight Logger storage group : question

    Hello everyone, I am new in arcsight logger, I have a question about storage groups. how we can monitor the usage of storage groups in order to estimate the size that we will added to some storage groups for example ? I know that there is a list that…
  • Arcsight Logger : automatically restart services using monit

    Hello everyone, I have a question how we can restart services of logger automatically using monit. Process 'apache' running Process 'aps' running Process 'connector' running Process 'mysqld' running Process 'postgresql' running Process 'processors' running…
  • Arcsight management center license : question

    Hello everyone, I'm new to ArcSight products. I have a question about the license if we uninstall an ArcSight management center that we already upload the license in it. and install a new version of Arcmc and upload the same license in it? is this work…