Q: how to move Smart Connector hosted on SW ArcMC?

Hello all.

What is the best practice to migrate a Smart Connector hosted on SW ArcMC to another ArcMC sw ?

TAR files then untar on target?

Container backup restore is for ARCMC applaince only?


thank you


  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Roby, 

    let's summarize a few things to be more clear:

    - the software version of ArcMC does not have the concept of the container as exists for the appliance version of ArcMC ( HPE appliances );

    - we never recommend installing the Smart Connector on the system where the software version of ArcMC;

    Back to your question :

    Container backup restored is for ARCMC appliance only?  - that's correct you can only apply this function on ArcMC ( HPE appliances );

    Best Regards, 
