VMWARE machine: Processors and threads


Considering to run lastest LOGGER 7.3, ArcMC 3.2 and SmartConnector 8.4 in a VMWARE VM machine, what is the best performances we'll get setting the vm "numbers of Processors" and "Numbers of cores per processor"?

Example:   1 processor with 4 core  OR 2 Processors with 2 cores?

And , are Logger, ArcMC and SC a Single-threaded or Multi-Threaded application?

Thank you


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    Hello Roby, 

    it is hard to recommend "best performances we'll get setting the vm "numbers of Processors" and "Numbers of cores per processor"" since all those products are connected to the EPS received. 

    Also your second question "are Logger, ArcMC and SC a Single-threaded or Multi-Threaded application?" depends on what you are referring to Multi-Threaded application.

    Best Regards, 


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    Hi Daniel , thank you for the your help.

    The question was not about the workload to be supported but about the architecture with a combination of CPU/virtual CORE, some applications prefer CPUs and use fewer COREs while others use many cores with few CPUs (multi-thread)

    hence the second question, how are ARST applications developed/written to use CPUs or more virtual cores?

    thank you
