SmartConnector 24.4.1 ( - Wrapper Service not starting - ArcSight FlexConnector Multiple DB on RHEL 8.x

Every time when start Connector Service.. same message appears on Log file agent.out.wrapper.log and really service Connector not starting.

WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | The "" property was redefined on line #134 of configuration file: <SmartConnectorInstallationPath>/current/user/agent/agent.wrapper.conf
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | Old Value SmartAgent
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | New Value<service_name>
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | The "wrapper.ntservice.displayname" property was redefined on line #135 of configuration file: <SmartConnectorInstallationPath>/current/user/agent/agent.wrapper.conf
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | Old Value wrapper.ntservice.displayname=ArcSight SmartAgent
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | New Value wrapper.ntservice.displayname=ArcSight ArcSight FlexConnector Multiple DB
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | The "wrapper.ntservice.description" property was redefined on line #136 of configuration file: <SmartConnectorInstallationPath>/current/user/agent/agent.wrapper.conf
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | Old Value wrapper.ntservice.description=The ArcSight SmartAgent
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | New Value wrapper.ntservice.description=ArcSight ArcSight FlexConnector Multiple DB
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | The "wrapper.ntservice.starttype" property was redefined on line #137 of configuration file: <SmartConnectorInstallationPath>/current/user/agent/agent.wrapper.conf
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | Old Value wrapper.ntservice.starttype=AUTO_START
WARN | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | New Value wrapper.ntservice.starttype=AUTO_START
STATUS | wrapper | 2025/01/07 19:40:36 | --> Wrapper Started as Daemon

Please review and fix it asap.


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    try reinstall the service:

    1. connector service is stopped
    2. cmd --> sc delete arc_<service name>
    3. move all agent.wrapper.conf and its backup files from '/current/user/agent/' to another location
    4. reinstall the service from:  /current/bin/arcsight agentsvc -i -sn <service name without arc_ i.e. winc>
    5. start the service

    Anyway is broken. If you make any changes from arcmc the windows service stops and can only be started MANUALLY. 

    Thank you OpenText ArcSight Devs and team for this wonderful release.