ArcSight Linux SmartConnector Issue on AWS Graviton (ARM C8g) Instances


I’m encountering an issue with my ArcSight Linux SmartConnector after upgrading the instance architecture on my AWS Elastic Beanstalk server.

- Previously, the connector was running smoothly on an **AMD64 (t2 family, General Purpose instance type)**.
- After upgrading to an **ARM-based C8g Graviton processor EC2 instance**, the SmartConnector stopped working.

When I attempt to restart the connector service, I get the following error:

"cannot find /opt/regexconnector/current/bin/wrapper/linux/wrapper"

I suspect this issue may be related to architecture compatibility, as the Graviton instances use the ARM architecture (AArch64).

 My Questions:

1. Does ArcSight Linux SmartConnector support ARM architecture?
2. Are there any known workarounds or updates to make the connector compatible with ARM-based AWS Graviton instances?
3. If ARM is not supported, is there an alternative configuration or approach for running the connector on Graviton instances?

I’d appreciate any guidance or recommendations from the OpenText team or the community.

Thank you!

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    Hello Arinze, 

    for now, the ARM architecture is not supported by any ArcSight product including Smart Connectors.

    More information on supported OS and architecture can be found here "" 

    I encourage you to open an Idea Exchange on the  Threat Detection and Response (ArcSight) Ideas page on this topic. 

    Best Regards, 
