Reporting false positive for ArcSight Threat Intelligence on

Hi Team,
We have tried reaching out multiple times via the email addresses "" and "" but have not received a response.

We are a web hosting company, Vercel, and we are reaching out regarding the categorization of several IP addresses associated with our network that have been flagged for various issues. The following IP addresses have been categorized in VirusTotal:

  • - Suspicious
  • - Suspicious
  • - Suspicious
  • - Suspicious

As a hosting provider, we take the security of our network very seriously. We strive to ensure that all IP addresses are accurately categorized, and that all abusive or malicious content is promptly removed. Could you please provide more details on the reasoning behind these flags, along with a list of the reported domains? Understanding the specifics will help us take the necessary steps to address any issues.

Additionally, we would appreciate your guidance on the delisting process for these IP addresses once any issues have been resolved. If any of these IPs have been mistakenly flagged, we would like to know the necessary steps to initiate the delisting process and remove these false positives.

Thank you for your time and assistance. We look forward to your response and direction on how we can proceed.

Best regards
Ramu Golla

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