Unable to add transformation hub in arcmc

Dear Team,

I am new to the Transformation Hub configuration and would like to get help on this.

We are not able to add Transformation hub as a host in ArcMC, I am getting below error while addition.

Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: https://xyz/dashboard.

Kindly note that my cdf cluster is running and i followed the procedure to add THUB in arcmc.

Is there any service which i need to restart on THUB.

Also while checking the pod status we observed that below pods are in CrashLoopBackOff state

arcsight-installer-jswgo th-kafka-0 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 23 81m
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-kafka-1 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 7 14m
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-kafka-2 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 7 16m
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-kafka-manager-f8598495-chw4n 0/1 Init:1/2 0 12h
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-routing-processor-group1-0 0/1 Init:1/2 0 12h
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-schemaregistry-575567f647-cjfhp 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 124 12h
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-schemaregistry-575567f647-fjstb 0/1 Init:1/2 0 12h
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-schemaregistry-575567f647-vslwt 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 131 12h
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-web-service-bfb55749c-29jk9 0/2 Init:1/2 1 47m
arcsight-installer-jswgo th-web-service-c4d8c74d7-g9wqc 0/2 Init:1/2 0 12h

I tried to restart the th-kafka pod but no luck and the same result.

Kindly note that it was running previously and we did not make any changes. It stopped working and communicating with next hop.

Any inputs will be highly appreciated.

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