How to report false positive for ArcSight Threat Intelligence?

Hi, we recently discovered that our website has been added to ArcSight Threat Intelligence's suspicious category using VirtusTotal tool, and tried to send a request to this email address: but so far nothing has changed. We would like to ask about a proper way to report false positive for our website.

Thank you.

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    Greetings, Markus!

    Our website is also marked as a "Suspicious" in ArcSight Threat Intelligence.

    Our web application provides convenient tools for more then 7M registered users worldwide to create their public pages. Some of them are publishing inappropriate stuff from time to time and our tech team is doing a lot of things to moderate the user content and clean it from spam, phishing and other inappropriate behaviours that breach our T&C.

    Could you please send us a list of URLs from our web application that you have detected as suspicious? Or maybe we can do it somehow automatically via API? Any option would be great.

    We support your vision of a clean and safe Internet. We will be glad to cooperate with you in order to sort it out.

    Thank you for your kind attention,

    Best regards,

  • 0

    Greetings, Markus!

    Our website is also marked as a "Suspicious" in ArcSight Threat Intelligence.

    Our web application provides convenient tools for more then 7M registered users worldwide to create their public pages. Some of them are publishing inappropriate stuff from time to time and our tech team is doing a lot of things to moderate the user content and clean it from spam, phishing and other inappropriate behaviours that breach our T&C.

    Could you please send us a list of URLs from our web application that you have detected as suspicious? Or maybe we can do it somehow automatically via API? Any option would be great.

    We support your vision of a clean and safe Internet. We will be glad to cooperate with you in order to sort it out.

    Thank you for your kind attention,

    Best regards,

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