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New Protect 724



can you please guys revert to the old Protect interface!!!

it was so easy before to find answers and solutions, 

now we have to struggle to find a simple document 



  • 0

    Exactly. this is really horrible and could not find past thread either. Really annoy on this and feel to leave protect724 

  • 0

    Agreed, HP screwed up and changed something that didn't need changed.  GG HP.

  • 0

    Agreed, this is horrible.

  • 0

    The new Protect 724 is horrible. I do not see any improvements whatsoever at this point, it only causes frustration on our end.

  • 0

    Totally agree, it is really disappointing to see this new crappy portal. The UI is broken and the fonts and formatting of text looks like crap and is often hard to read (using Chrome). I haven't seen any enhancement whatsoever...

  • 0

    Agree. Hard to find anything using search.

  • 0 in reply to 
    I find that pre-pending "ArcSight" to searches provides answers roughly at the same quality as I was used to.
  • Verified Answer


    For Me it's like eating my own food in a Neighbour Kitchen..!!

    very uncomfortable & couldnt find the things in right place.

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    - answers, comments, where should i post?

    - searching something brings me somtimes a directly to a "comment" to a question, and when i want to read the whole thread I need to manually remove things from the URI, cause I did not find a way to go to the "top" of the thread by clicking on anything.

    - having SingleSignOn with, which is forcing me to log out in one of the "systems" everytime I want to do something in the other systems, as I don't use the same mail address for softwaresuppor as for protect

    Screwing up somthing is one thing - screwing it up like HP did with this community is "marvellous"

    I hope things will go right when MF spin/merge gets completet. Oh will the community be moved then again? 





  • 0
    Agreed. This stinks. Not only that but many of the links, images, and website features don't work because they are being hosted by mixed security contexts, so my domain is blocking all of the non-certified content delivery networks. Most of the page doesn't work. HPe Support suggested I just not use the website while on my work domain...WHAT?! That's not a solution!