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New Protect 724



can you please guys revert to the old Protect interface!!!

it was so easy before to find answers and solutions, 

now we have to struggle to find a simple document 



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    I appreciate your feedback and perspective.  We’re continuing to improve the community and I want to share a few updates about steps we’ve taken to improve the experience in Protect724. 

    Search issues.  Search is critical, however, we found ArcSight product documentation was clobbering search results.   We made two changes to impact search.  First, we changed the defualt for search scope from "community wide' to the specfic category.  Second, and most importantly,  we separated ArcSight Product Documents from the search scope to remove them from search results.    Now, when you search from the ArcSight community page, you should see discussions much more clearly in the results.     Is search improved?

    Snap 2017-09-20 at 16.14.02.png

    Product Document Shortcuts:  Because product documentation is so important to the users of the platform, we also added quick navigation links to the product documents.Snap 2017-09-20 at 16.13.30.png

    Helpful links. Based on feedback from users, we added helpful shortcuts in the community announcements to key resources (support, etc)

    Snap 2017-09-20 at 16.14.47.png

    Customer Support Forum - In July, we introduced the ArcSight Customer Support forum, where support engineers routinely engage and answer questions.

    Current work in progress

    Flattening / subspace clean up.  

    • We’re streamlining and simplifying the numerous ‘sub-spaces’ with in the community (there were over 130 in the jive platform). Today, it’s hard to know where to post and what forums to follow.  This will make it easier to find the most popular discussion forums, while also making it easier find, subscribe and follow specific threads  
    • We’re also gradually moving toward consistent interaction format (discussions over questions).   Over time, we will move content into the Discussion format and will deprecate the Questions style.   Overall, this change will make it easier to start and follow discussions, again simplifying the community to make it easier to navigate, connect with each other and share insight. 


  • 0

    I appreciate your feedback and perspective.  We’re continuing to improve the community and I want to share a few updates about steps we’ve taken to improve the experience in Protect724. 

    Search issues.  Search is critical, however, we found ArcSight product documentation was clobbering search results.   We made two changes to impact search.  First, we changed the defualt for search scope from "community wide' to the specfic category.  Second, and most importantly,  we separated ArcSight Product Documents from the search scope to remove them from search results.    Now, when you search from the ArcSight community page, you should see discussions much more clearly in the results.     Is search improved?

    Snap 2017-09-20 at 16.14.02.png

    Product Document Shortcuts:  Because product documentation is so important to the users of the platform, we also added quick navigation links to the product documents.Snap 2017-09-20 at 16.13.30.png

    Helpful links. Based on feedback from users, we added helpful shortcuts in the community announcements to key resources (support, etc)

    Snap 2017-09-20 at 16.14.47.png

    Customer Support Forum - In July, we introduced the ArcSight Customer Support forum, where support engineers routinely engage and answer questions.

    Current work in progress

    Flattening / subspace clean up.  

    • We’re streamlining and simplifying the numerous ‘sub-spaces’ with in the community (there were over 130 in the jive platform). Today, it’s hard to know where to post and what forums to follow.  This will make it easier to find the most popular discussion forums, while also making it easier find, subscribe and follow specific threads  
    • We’re also gradually moving toward consistent interaction format (discussions over questions).   Over time, we will move content into the Discussion format and will deprecate the Questions style.   Overall, this change will make it easier to start and follow discussions, again simplifying the community to make it easier to navigate, connect with each other and share insight. 


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    Hi JohnJ,

    looks much better already. I tried 3 simple searches (syslog connector tuning, windows connector tuning and manage.jsp). All three came up with some proper results from the Protect community (Q&A Threads, Posts, Blogposts).

    One more thing I am lacking is that the Protect 724 Turbo Talk Sessions (the PDFs/Slides from the Protect724 Conventions) to a certain topic are not shown in the search results. That would be another great enhancement, as those documents show deep dive knowledge to specific topics.

