I noticed several errors after install Sentinel 6.1 SP2 patch.
Let me write some of them:
- All Active views were erased. - In some cases Open Raw Data doesn't work - There is an error in the Collector Manager, because all collectorScripts, connectors and Event Sources changed the status to Off and the icons in pink color, as unknown status. - Is complicated turn on each collectorScript, connector or Eventsource; due the configured status is On, but Actual status is Off. - The CollectorScripts received events and after 2 minutes, didn't - I can not receive events.
I had to reinstalled my Sentinel twice, because with Sentinel 6.1.1 it works very good but with Sentinel 6.1.2 always failed.
Thanks for raising this issue. We perform a significant amount of QA work on Sentinel, but sometimes our customers encounter situations that weren't covered in our testing. I've forwarded this to the engineering team. They have reproduced the problem, and are working on a fix. In the meantime, we've removed the patch until the fix is ready, which should be soon.
Brian Singer Solution Marketing Manager, Security Management
I installed the Patch and the active view called ALL was changed by a new active view called TODOS (in spanish). It's a rare!!! because My Operative system and Sentinel are installed in english.
I just updated a customer to SP2 and also noticed some problems with the active views too, but once I created a new fiter they went away. go figure. As far as the other issues you mentioned, I can't say I've experienced them on this install...
btw shouldn't this be posted in the forum? i would call this a "hot rant" instead of a "cool solution" ;-)