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Welcome to the new forum

Welcome to the new Group Policy Administrator forum. We are
consolidating all discussion forums for NetIQ products to a single
location: That means new product discussions
that would have previously been held in the "Qmunity" area for some
NetIQ products will take place here instead. If you are new to the NetIQ
Forums, welcome! I hope your experience is a good one.

You may want to take a moment, if you have a spare one, and read the
forum FAQ:

The system holding the old Qmunity forums is old and will soon be
decommissioned. Until then, we will maintain a link to them here as a
reference for those that have access (They are non-public). We won't be
migrating any of the old data for legal purposes (The Qmunity forums
are/were private and these forums are public). If there is data there
you would like to preserve, you should download it before the site is
turned off (date TBD).

I realize change is always uncomfortable and sometimes difficult. If you
have any problems our questions about using these forums, you can use
the CONTACT US link on the footer of any forum page, or the feedback
forum and we'll do our best to help you out.

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