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Here is a DRA Server Health KS. This looks at the CPU/Memory/Threads and then alerts when they are over a value you enter.

DRA_DomFileHung - This KS looks at the registry for the domains that DRA is managing and then checks the number of DomFile processes that may be running. If you are managing two domains and have three processes running, that means one has been hung. Thus you'll get an alert. This can be run on all DRA servers.

DRA_EmptyRecycleBin - This will either list or empty the recycle bin based on the number of days you enter into the values tab. If you enter ten days anything ten days or older will be deleted. This is nice in that it lets you schedule cleaning out the recycle bin. The value tab defaults to listing the contents of the bin so that you don't accidentally delete without specifically selecting it. This only needs to run on one server.

DRA_GetMaxIncrRefresh - I've ran into a situation where the incremental refresh never ran due to the number of AD changes. In the registry you can bump this value up letting the refresh have more time to run. You can run this KS on all DRA servers to report that registry value. Just a quick way of letting you know they are all set to your desired value.

DRA_HotFixInfo - This reports what hotfixes are applied. Again it’s a registry value and this can be ran on all DRA servers.

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