Idea ID: 2789874

DRA REST console enhancements

Status: Delivered
The following enhancement we would like to see on the REST console are:
* Ability to set Manager Field during account creation. Currently requires object creation, then an edit of the object.
* Bring back the Tree view on the left Window of the REST console just like the OLD DRA web Console
* An “Apply” button to allow saving of changes without exiting and re-entering the object
* Expose “Temporary Group membership” through the REST console
* Desire for a default/favorites/recently visited view
* Display the password expiration date/time directly. Currently, one must look at the Password Last Changed field and calculate
  • DRA 10 Web Console provides the following:

    Tree View

    TGA configuration/status

    Enhanced customization and configuration

  • We are currently evaluating the Tree View, default/favorites/recently visited view, and password expiration date/time calculation requests. The Temporary Group membership' request will be available in the DRA 9.3 release.
  • Please note that the DRA 9.1 release adds the 'Apply' button to save object changes. All other suggestions with the exception of the tree view, are considered valid and will be evaluated during our next planning cycle. The need to be able to browse objects in ways other than search is understood and we are looking at ways to unlock this capability in a way that accommodates enterprise-size environments.
  • A couple of the enhancements from the list that I am more interested in * An “Apply” button to allow saving of changes without exiting and re-entering the object * Expose “Temporary Group membership” through the REST console I do like a tree view being available. Depending on how it was implemented I may like or dislike the feature. * Bring back the Tree view on the left Window of the REST console just like the OLD DRA web Console