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DRA has been released

This release resolves the following DRA Core Installer issues:

  • Resolves an issue where the Public Folder cacheloader action fails to find a running Exchange Server when the configured Exchange Server is down. (ENG348543)
  • Resolves an issue where the Post task trigger fails to execute the script during the GroupMemberEnum and PagedEnum operations. (ENG348620)
  • Resolves an issue where an Active Directory user attribute, msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress, is duplicated when the Web Console or Win32 Console is used to clone the AD user with Skype for Business enabled. (ENG348617)
  • Resolves an issue that impacted performance when an Assistant Administrator, who is a member of multiple groups that have delegated powers, performs any operation. (ENG348625)
  • Resolves an issue that impacted performance while login and only when the environment has multiple member servers are managed. (ENG348643)

This release resolves the following DRA REST Installer issues:

  • Resolves an issue that impacted performance while the GroupMembershipEnum operation is performed in the Web Console. (ENG348564)
  • Resolves an issue where, instead of multiple characters per line, the values of a Multi-Value Text field are converted to a single-character-per-line format. (ENG348612)

Useful Resources: