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OpenText Self-Service Password Reset 4.8 has been released


Recommended Software Update

OpenText is announcing the release of

 Product: Self-Service Password Reset
Version: 4.8
Languages: English, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese , ​​​​​​Spanish, French Canadian, Norwegian, Catalan 

The following  new key features are available with this version:

  • Docker deployment in Kubernetes
    SSPR docker is enabled for independent deployment in an AWS EKS (AWS Kubernetes) cluster.
    Customers can deploy SSPR containers as an independent service in a AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster.
  • Proxy user for API access
    Proxy privileged user is introduced within SSPR to proxy the privileged API requests accessed as a normal user.
    This feature allows to access APIs that require higher privilege as a normal user while SSPR internally uses a proxy privileged user to access the APIs and gives results. This helps customers to keep the privileged user credentials secure within SSPR.

For more information, please check the Release Notes for this version (available from MySupport).

If you have an active support subscription for these products, please plan for downloading this version from the Software Licenses and Downloads Portal. To access these products in the Software Licenses and Downloads Portal, you will need to sign in with your Micro Focus credentials.

Our goal is to provide you with clear visibility into the support time-line of software products, enabling you to use this information to plan, test, and deploy new product versions. For more information, check our Product Support Lifecycle pages. Please take note of the end of support dates for the latest available version of this product: 

Product version

Current Maintenance ends

Self-Service Password Reset 4.8

Aug 31, 2027

Please note that all Self-Service Password Reset customers with active support subscriptions are eligible to update to Self-Service Password Reset 4.8.


New Release-Feature
Self Service Password Reset
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