DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
3.55pm ‐ 5pm
Speaker: Johnnie Odom, Escambia School District
We will set up a very basic containerized application from scratch with steps that you can easily replicate back home. We will show how to set up a container, place all the files in it for an application to run, and set up Access Manager to authenticate your users to the app. A handy recipe sheet will be provided.
The draft agenda for the main conference can be found HERE and you may register for the Conference HERE. We are waiting on a few minor updates to the agenda and the online files will be updated as soon as we have them.
Attendance at the weekend workshops is not dependent on you attending the full conference week and these require a separate registration using this LINK.
Some of the sessions during the conference week will be shared online, but not all of them. Those registering to attend online will receive full details the week before the event.