• NAM Appliance 5.1, unable to enable protocols

    Hi, setting up a singel box nam 5.1 ( When I try edit anything on IDP Cluster --> configuration --> general like enable oauth it fails with error "Invalid Input Exception, Cannot edit Base URL or Port in single Box" Anybody seen the…
  • Issue with IDP Clusters not showing in Appmarks settings on

    Hi! We have just tested our NAM Appliance and have seen quite a weird thing in appmarks bar. When we open Appmarks we cannot select any idp cluseter, because ther are none in the dropdown: I have checked it on version and there…
  • do you know that we have a AM coonector for Temenos t24?

    We have a connector for Temenos T24 available at: https://catalog.netiq.com/ncarest/displayCatalog I'm trying to motivate for a native connector for IDM Provisioning too. Nowadays it's only possible with a REST Driver or a System integrator like an…
  • What databases are supported for device fingerprinting?

    I could not find any other specs for the device fingerprinting database like versions and if there's any requirement for JSON or tabular storage for data and so on. I only found " Access Manager supports MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server databases…
  • SLES 15 SP5 Support

    Hello, We are on a new Access Manager deployment under SLES 15 SP5 systems ( SP4 support already ended). I can't see on Access Manager 5.0 SP4 release Notes any support to SLES 15 SP5, I imagine because release of SLES 15 SP5 was later than NAM 5.0 SP4…
  • Office 365 integrate with NAM using SAML2.0

    Hi, We are having NAM 5.0. We are planning to integrate office 365 with NAM using SAML 2.0 but But I can't really figure out where to start. if someone will share the high level steps to perform this integration then it would be really appreciated…
  • Request was from an untrusted provider NAM

    Hi, I'm trying to setup SSO SAML from Keycloak and NAM. In my keycloak admin console I have imported the metadata.xml of the NAM related environment (given to me from my organization) and I have set all the fields and stuff needed to connect my keycloak…
  • SAML: 500 Internal Error when user logs in with expired password

    Hello Everyone, I am facing an issue when a users logs in with expired password that has authenticated using Risk Based Policy. The configurations are as follows: - I have defined a Risk Based Policy that authenticates users via Form based method…
  • Support for the FriendlyName attribute lost with NAM 5

    Hi, NAM 4.5 SP6 added upport for the FriendlyName Attribute in SAML Assertions. It is specified in the documentation of version 4.5: An attribute set with a constant is usually set up when Identity Server is acting as an identity provider for a…
  • Identity Server login page not showing the browser title icon favicon

    I want to add an icon with the browser title like a favicon. For this, I have added the below line in the Identity Servers "/opt/novell/nids/lib/webapp/jsp/nidp_latest.jsp" file, in btween the <head> tag. <link rel="icon" href="<%=request.getContextPath…
  • how to include the Client Identifier ("cid" claim) in JWT

    Using NAM 4x or 5x, I do not see a way to include the CID in the JWT. 1. Is it named something else in NAM? 2. Is there a way to get this value in there? Here's a snip of the spec. *4.1.9. "cid" Client Identification Data Claim* The "cid" (client…
  • DMZ node setup for NetIQ Access Manager Appliance

    I have already deployed an Access Manager Appliance in DC(internal network). I want to setup one Appliance node in DMZ. All of my applications are integrated in internal appliance (DC). We need to configure appliance which is in DMZ to act like reverse…
  • Want to copy the all resources or one proxy service to other environment

    Hi, I have Access Manager in two environments and I want to copy all the protected resources of reverse proxy or one proxy service from NAM 4.5 to another environment of NAM 5.0. Is there any way to do this?
  • JavaScript HTTP error when http service proxied by NAM

    Hi everyone, I made a proxy service for an HTTP service via NAM, and the application shows me a HTTPS error when I try to download the page javascript files. I think something in the HTTP rewrite is not working as expected. Here is a screenshot…
  • Access Manager 5.0.1 Error 500 after installation

    Dear Community! I have installed a new Access Manager Appliance 5.0.1 and added it to a cluster with previous NAM 4.5.4. Installation finished with no errors and same did the adding of new NAM as secondary console into the cluster. I transfered…
  • Access Manager 5.0.2 and 5.0.3 unable to add more IP Addresses

    Hi! We have upgraded Access Manager Appliance to version 5.0.2 and since the migration was needed we lost second IP numbers. We wanted to add a second IP number, but the error came out that it is not possible to add second IP address. When we add…
  • Dynamic SAML attribute mappings

    I would like to provide a solution for a situation where different attribute mappings can be used depending on the username (email address) provided during authentication. Specifically a user with two email addresses should return different attributes…

    Hello, community! Is that possible to use NAM or IDM itself to SSO in SAP GUI? What's the best approach on this scenario? Thanks
  • NAM disable the rotation of NIDP log file

    I have Access Manager on RHEL 7.9. I have enabled the logging of Identity Server / Access Gateway and I can see the logs are captured in the below location Identity Server: /var/opt/novell/nam/logs/idp/nidplogs/NIDP.2022-08-05.xml Access…
  • NetIQ Access Manager Appmarks icon

    I am trying to upload custom icon image for Appmarks in the NetIQ Access Manager Administrator Console. But at the time of saving the image to galary, I get error --> Failed to create the icon. The icon size is 100 x 100 pixel. Please advise what…
  • Configure Login Redirect URL parameters

    Hi everyone, I'm developing a custom JSP that need to be evaluated after user login. I saw in the documentation that 3 parameters are available by default, but more can be defined: https://www.microfocus.com/documentation/access-manager/appliance-5.0…
  • Unable to access NAM Console after restart Tomcat8. (Certificate is invalid and issued to local host)

    Hi, I hit an issue where after restarted the tomcat8 service for Access Manager Console, i unable to access to the console. When i see the certificate it shows issued to localhost. Below is the error when i trying to access my webpage Firefox…
  • Application Access from IE not working properly

    Hi, When accessing a Form based application after login to NAM portal the application page is refreshing every time, which mean I am unable to get login page of the application (non-SSO).This issue is only with Internet Explorer (version 8 to 11). There…
  • Issues in older outlook clients

    Hi This is just tip for anyone who is planning to federate Office365. Outlook 2013 (and possibly other older thick clients) *without* modern authentication, uses the user principal name (UPN) to authenticate. It happens that sometimes the value of the…
  • x509 Two factor authentication with redirection error

    I am trying two factor authentication which would use X509 (certificate based authentication) as first contract followed by another contract for form based authentication(Secure username password form). At first the user is getting authenticated using…