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Modify user information with Helpdesk rights

I mean Helpdesk can search a user and can change the password. The password will send on SMS. The Helpdesk can check the phone number of the user (what store in the mobile attributum) and add new number is empty and after it can send the new password.

So is it possible to change some user attributes (add new phone number) with Helpdesk rights in SSPR? Like I can set which attribute can see the Helpdesk)


Self Service Password Reset
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    So two bits I think.

    1) Get SSPR to display the data.

    2) Permissions to modify

    I am pretty sure SSPR can do more attributes it is in the Helpdesk module settings. Then make sure that either the account your helpdesk team login with, or the proxy user have sufficient eDir permissions to W to the attributes.


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    So two bits I think.

    1) Get SSPR to display the data.

    2) Permissions to modify

    I am pretty sure SSPR can do more attributes it is in the Helpdesk module settings. Then make sure that either the account your helpdesk team login with, or the proxy user have sufficient eDir permissions to W to the attributes.


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    1) Get SSPR to display the data.

    It is done. The Helpdesk can see the phone attribute on the found user's profile tab.

    2) Permissions to modify

    I understand to need to add permission to the attribute in eDirectory (for the Helpdesk or the proxy technical user). But where can I configure that the Helpdesk can modify this from SSPR Helpdesk module?