Anyone else seeing a rash of issues with the Admin Console reporting the wrong component versions after applying patches?
I had a 5.1 dev environment that I was running, but I didn't realize that the IdP and AG were still being reported as under Troubleshooting | Version in the admin console. The Admin console itself was reporting correctly though as I tried applying patch, but the IdP and AG still report in the version screen as The Admin console reports as now. I tried removing the patches with the patch tool and reinstalling, but it made no difference.
So decided to try patching another environment. This one was on all device. They all were reporting properly in Troubleshooting | Version in the Admin console. In this environment there are 2 admin consoles. Applied on both admin consoles and now the admin console reports as! Screen shot below.
Crazy!! The version file though on the admin console says it is Anyone seen that before?
Lastly, I had a 5.0.4 environment I upgraded to and then applied the latest hot fix. On that one, even though the IdPs show in the local version file, the admin console shows them as still.
I have support cases open on all these, but little action so far. Anyone else seeing anything like this?
I'm starting to get nervous about applying any patches or updates now (I have 14 support cases open on Access Manager right now).
These are all RedHat environments (first two are 8.10 and last one is 8.8). So I'm wondering if that is part of the problem?
Does anyone know exactly how the admin console pulls the version info? I haven't been able to get that answer out of support.