Data Collection Service Driver Error

Friends, I am get the following error with a Data Collection Driver.

[09/02/24 13:29:00.671]:Data Collection Service ST:DCSSubscriberShim: RTD:: Attempting a GET using driver GUID :tmd092:8543/.../711B5232-5E0F-4f18-8F4F-32521B710F5E
[09/02/24 13:29:00.675]:Data Collection Service ST:DCSSubscriberShim: GET failed with Unauthorized User Account. Getting new auth token and request retry
[09/02/24 13:29:00.675]:Data Collection Service ST:DCSSubscriberShim: Setting up OAuth token...
[09/02/24 13:29:00.675]:Data Collection Service ST:DCSSubscriberShim: INFO: setOAuthToken: Requesting OAuth token grant...
[09/02/24 13:29:02.138]:Data Collection Service ST:DCSSubscriberShim: RTD:: Attempting a GET using driver GUID :tmd092:8543/.../711B5232-5E0F-4f18-8F4F-32521B710F5E
[09/02/24 13:29:02.141]:Data Collection Service ST:DCSSubscriberShim: RTDRetry:: (Error 401) Could not connect to the URL 'tmd092:8543/.../idvs'. Unauthorized User Account error

I was review some information from other similar cases. But at this time cant get a solution for me. Any idea?


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    Hi Marlon, 

    you should probably post that in the IDM forum. But from my experience, this error can arise from different unterlying issues:

    - wrong credentials for ldap username/password and/or client id settings

    - https/tls setup (certificates, truststore etc.)

    Regarding the wrong credentials: Try to set them directly via iManager / IDConsole on the host running the driver and then restart it. Designer can be part of the problem here sometimes when it comes to set/reset passwords/credentials properly.

    Best regards,

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    Hello Philipp, Thanks for the information.

    At this iam not sure where can I check to get some clue about the error. I was update password and update certificate, but I dont find informacion about Certificates an Identity Reporting / DCD Services. 

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