Access Manager Proxy conf file refers to old certificate in one place


We just renewed our 3rd party (Digicert) Certificate  and I applied to all of our proxies after uploading the new cert with intermediate and root certs. Most of our proxies are fine but I still have 3 proxies hanging onto the old cert file in the vHost conf right at the end of the file in the 

SSLProxyEngine on
SSLProxyCheckPeerExpire off

** SSLProxyMachineCertificateFile /opt/novell/apache2/clientcerts/OLD_CERT.pem **

section. Since I can't manually edit the vHost conf file how can I get that line to point at the NEW_CERT.pem that is referenced correctly in the main vHost stanza a few lines up:

SSLCertificateFile /opt/novell/apache2/certs/NEW_CERT.pem
SSLCertificateChainFile /opt/novell/apache2/certs/NEW_CERT.pem




Access Manager