I'm doing a distributed installation of 4.8.7 (using the Bundle Installer) on SLES 15 SP 5 w/Identity Manager 4.8.7 on one box and Identity Applications 4.8.7 on another. When I access idmdash, I get the normal authentication page, then when I click submit, I get the following page. Though, when I try the idmdash url immediately afterwards, it is authenticated and I am able to access all of the normal idmdash functionality successfully.
When I go straight to the SSPR page in a fresh session, it also gives me the following page.
5203 CONFIG_FORMAT_ERROR fields: [value error in config file, please investigate: Settings ⇨ Application ⇨ Application ⇨ Site URL - incorrect value format for value ' https://uapp-01.demo.com:8543/sspr ']
Configuration format error: value error in config file, please investigate: Settings ⇨ Application ⇨ Application ⇨ Site URL - incorrect value format for value ' https://uapp-01.demo.com:8543/sspr '