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"Incorrect value format for value" when accessing SSPR page

I'm doing a distributed installation of 4.8.7 (using the Bundle Installer) on SLES 15 SP 5 w/Identity Manager 4.8.7 on one box and Identity Applications 4.8.7 on another. When I access idmdash, I get the normal authentication page, then when I click submit, I get the following page. Though, when I try the idmdash url immediately afterwards, it is authenticated and I am able to access all of the normal idmdash functionality successfully.

When I go straight to the SSPR page in a fresh session, it also gives me the following page.



5203 CONFIG_FORMAT_ERROR fields: [value error in config file, please investigate: Settings ⇨ Application ⇨ Application ⇨ Site URL - incorrect value format for value ' ']

Configuration format error: value error in config file, please investigate: Settings ⇨ Application ⇨ Application ⇨ Site URL - incorrect value format for value ' '









Self Service Password Reset
  • Suggested Answer


    In case someone else runs into this, when I went into SSPRConfiguration.xml, I found a ton of whitespace and newlines in it.  Being xml, this shouldn't have mattered since all of the values (between the <value> elements were correct and did not have whitespace, but for "giggles", I deleted all of the extra lines and spaces between the <settings> elements (for the settings that contained any DNS values) and SSPR was able to startup successfully and I was able to access the SSPR pages from the browser.

    At that point, my giggles turned into "arggs", but since it's running, I chalked it up to the fact that Murphy is my constant companion. 

    You're welcome since with how much attention he pays to me, he should should have little left to spend on everyone else. Slight smile

