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Different Branding on Adv. Auth. Request

This may be more of a question for the Adv. Auth. forum, but I thought I'd try here first.

I have a NAM installation that supports an organization with many different brands, and hence, different login pages with different look and feel.  We control what the user sees by using different contracts and methods that reference different login pages.  Pretty normal stuff.

Now Adv. Auth. is being added into the mix for 2FA. The problem here though is, the Adv. Auth. customization.  It's global for the entire AA tenant (in this case the default of TOP).  Has anyone figured out a way to have the Adv. Auth. look and feel change based on the NAM contract?  I'm using the OAuth integration, so I'm talking about the box that comes up where it asks you to choose what AA chain to use.  As far as I can tell, I can only make a global change for all requests. I don't even know if the contract name is passed in the OAuth request to AA or if I could even consume it.

I thought about maybe using Multi-tenancy in AA, but NAM integration only allows you to specify one AA tenant.  So unless I want different NAM environments, I don't think that will work.

Has anyone come up with a good way to deal wit this? 




Access Manager
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    We tried a few things but weren't able to do what we wanted. Even used some Access Gateway tricks to modify the HTML, but this is very tricky. Easy to make your admin portal fail because that uses the same URL's, CSS the user frontend.