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Access Manager v5.0.4 Mobile Access not working

Dear Community,

I wanted to enable Mobile Access on my newly installed Access Manager, but sadly it is not working as it should.

If I click to enable MobileAccess under "MobileAccess" category on my Administration console and click save it does not save the wanted state.

I get one popup saying that the changes were saved, but underneath I get another one saying, that there has been an error thrown while saving new MobileAccess configuration parameters:

In the console I can again see, that the error 500 is thrown on the server side:

Our administration console log is saying that ther is "pinTimeout" parameter missing in the request:

In our "network" tab we can clearly see that there is "pinTimeout" being sent within a body:

Did maybe someone experience this before?

With kind regards,

Sebastian Novak


Access Manager