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CLE not retrieving password policy information


We are trying to configure new Client Login Extension (CLE) so, that it changes password on a Windows machine over SSPR. 

Our installer is configuret as shown on the following screenshot:

When I click on the "Password Policy" link in "Change password" window in windows I get the following response:

Even if I relogin, reboot my machine or reinstall the client I always get the same response.

Also when I want to change my password the screen only says "Checking account password policy.".

Has anyone ever had a problem like this or would have additional information about my problem please provide.

CLE is version 4.6.1 and SSPR is on version

With kind regards,

Sebastian Novak


Self Service Password Reset
  • 0  

    Hi Sebastian,

    What happens if you try the following when logged into the system

    1.    Open Command prompt.
    2.    Go to System32 folder
    3.    Type “RestrictedBrowserEXE.exe –-url  yourssprserver/.../ForgottenPassword”


    Liam O'Dowd

  • Verified Answer

    +1 in reply to   

    Dear Liam,

    I have resolved the issue. The issue was, that the user did not have permission to fetch any of the SSPR details through REST. In REST settings I have enabled "Web Services LDAP Third Party Permissions" and "Web Services LDAP Authentication Permission" like this:

    The user can now succesfully change password through CLE.

    With kind regards,

    Sebastian Novak

  • Verified Answer

    +1 in reply to   

    Dear Liam,

    I have resolved the issue. The issue was, that the user did not have permission to fetch any of the SSPR details through REST. In REST settings I have enabled "Web Services LDAP Third Party Permissions" and "Web Services LDAP Authentication Permission" like this:

    The user can now succesfully change password through CLE.

    With kind regards,

    Sebastian Novak

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