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JCC service is running but not listning on port 1433

Hi all,

NAM appliance 5 sp2 was forcefully rebooted when disk was full (bad). After that when server came up and logs was removed so server got sufficient space the appliance failed to report status to admin console on master server.

We have restarted JCC and servers several times but server still unable to commmunicate, JCC is running but not binding to port 1433.

JCC logs are for some reason very old, it dosn't seem to write anything to log files but that is true for bot servers in cluster.

Did we loose the JCC logs when applying log4j remidiation?

Any suggestion how to fix? Or is importing device again the only way forward and is there anything particular I need to do after importing device again?



Access Manager
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    I would recommend logging a case with support if you have not already done so.  They can dig into the issue an see why JCC is not binding and why you don't seem to have any updated logs.

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    Hi Kevin,

    Solved that by restoring backup from before disk went full. I figure that a keystore went corrupt when server ran out of disk space.

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    We encountered similar, after upgrading to 5.0.3.  Not sure if it is related to that, or a disk full scenario, before that.  We saw in error_log, logs not getting rotated, and taking up the disk til it was full, or may be unrelated..  The last thing that fixed it was checking settings.conf for the jcc process, and it had zero bytes as file size, which I discovered later.  I compared it to the file on a lag that had no issue, and modified it with correct setttings, and restarted.  Then 1433 was listening, and was able to get the console to communicate with it again.

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    Hi, yeah that was probably a better solution than what I tried. 5.0.2 appliance breaks logrotate, which is bad. I have managed to fix it for MAG service but not for IDP so far. /Lelle