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SecureLogin can't logon with Active Directory


I have tested SecureLogin 9.0 with Active Directory 2016 Server working as a repository. Thereafter  extend the AD schemas and assign right to OU. I can't logon to the agent and I received the message shown below.

Please give me any advice on this.


  • Suggested Answer



    This message “You are not logged in to a directory and SecureLogin was unable to find any cached user data.”
    Comes after
    - trying to use directory data and failing to connect, and
    - trying to work offline from cache file and not finding the user in cache

    Unable to contact the directory could come from a variety of causes
    • Host being misconnected to the domain
    • SSL/TLS misconfiguration
    • Offline/VPN not started
    • User logging in to different part of the AD Forest

    Deeper investigation would need to be conducted. For technical support, you can open a new case via the customer portal. Here is a link to the Main NSL Support SecureLogin | Support Resources | Micro Focus

  • Suggested Answer



    This message “You are not logged in to a directory and SecureLogin was unable to find any cached user data.”
    Comes after
    - trying to use directory data and failing to connect, and
    - trying to work offline from cache file and not finding the user in cache

    Unable to contact the directory could come from a variety of causes
    • Host being misconnected to the domain
    • SSL/TLS misconfiguration
    • Offline/VPN not started
    • User logging in to different part of the AD Forest

    Deeper investigation would need to be conducted. For technical support, you can open a new case via the customer portal. Here is a link to the Main NSL Support SecureLogin | Support Resources | Micro Focus

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