You can see logs on multiple places when SAPIM is integrated with NAM.
- Admin Console :
Logging related to SAPIM Gateway creating or any operation done at Admin Console.
Go to file /opt/netiq/common/tomcat/webapps/amsvc/WEB-INF/classes/
Look at the configuration with .level and set the value to FINEST.
Restart Admin Console
You can see the logs at Admin Console Catalina.out with tag “SAPIM”
- Identity Provider:
SAPIM interacts with IDP for API creation and to get the OAuth tokens.
Check the IDP Catalina.out for such logs.
The IDP logging level should be set as debug for OAuth and Application
- SAPIM Logs
SAPIM logs can be set in debug mode in 2 ways. You can see logging related to every API requests.
- Temporary Logging:
Send a PUT request using Fiddler/Postman to SAPIMDNS:9443/.../devlog
Basic Auth: Username:password
Body: all
This will set the logging in debug mode. Logs can be seen at /var/opt/novell/jetty/logs/
This is temporary log setting and it will disappear after SAPIM restart.
- Permanent Logging:
Ssh to SAPIM Server
Create a file :
#touch /var/opt/microfocus/sapim/agent/agent-devlog.settings
set the content of the file as all
#cat /var/opt/microfocus/sapim/agent/agent-devlog.settings
Set the permission:
#chown root:sapim /var/opt/microfocus/sapim/agent/agent-devlog.settings
Restart Jetty-Service
# systemctl restart vabase-jetty
Debug logs can be seen at folder
msingh17:/var/opt/novell/jetty/logs # ls
jetty.stderrout.out jetty.stderrout.out.003302029 jetty.stderrout.out.004710875 jetty.stderrout.out.130716771
jetty.stderrout.out.000303713 jetty.stderrout.out.004534352 jetty.stderrout.out.020100138
jetty.stderrout.out.003237085 jetty.stderrout.out.004651000 jetty.stderrout.out.020120232