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NetIQ IDM JDBC drivers are well known for synchronizing to tables or views in order for applications built on those DBs to have users, passwords…
I recently attended an online IDM User Group meeting about the products created by another member of the IDM community; his name is Stefaan Van Cauwenberge and one of his creations is known as the Generic File Driver . This new shim provides the same…
A while ago I reported a bug in the Remote Loader Prompt Stylesheet, where additional remote loader parameter (other than hostname, port and kmo) will not be picked up properly during a package update if the kmo parameter is not used. This is a common…
A Forum reader asked this question:
"I've created some very cool policies using the built-in wizards, but there is a lot of hidden power in XPATH, JavaScript, etc. within IDM.
Based upon the fact I have a lot of scripting experience…