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Knowledge Article: Deploying Opentext Identity Manager Containers Using Docker Compose


Deploying Identity Manager Containers

Deploying Identity Manager Containers Using Docker Compose

Deploying Identity Manager (IDM) containers on a single server, for both fresh installations and upgrades, previously required significant manual effort. This process involved executing individual commands and performing numerous post-deployment steps for certain components, making it time-consuming and prone to human error.

This solution streamlines the IDM container deployment process on a standalone docker server, reducing the need for manual intervention and enabling faster, more efficient deployment.

It is supported for IDM 4.9 and onwards.
SLES 15 SP5 and RHEL 9.x are supported platforms.

1.0 About the Utility

This utility is designed for the installation and upgrade of IDM containers on a single Docker server in a host-only network. The following components are installed or upgraded:

  • Identity Engine
  • Remote Loader
  • Fanout Agent
  • OSP (OAuth Service Provider)
  • PostgreSQL Database
  • Identity Application
  • Form Renderer
  • ActiveMQ
  • Identity Reporting
  • SSPR (Self-Service Password Reset)
  • Identity Console

NOTE: This solution is not officially certified by OpenText. Please use it with caution.

2.0 Procedure

2.1 Deploying Fresh OpenText Identity Manager Containers

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose on the host machine. Visit the Docker Download Site.
    • Docker version 24.0.7-ce or later and Docker Compose version 2.32.1 or later are supported.
    • Check the installed versions using the following commands:
      docker compose version
      docker --version
  2. Download Identity_Manager_<version>_Containers.tar.gz from the Software License and Download portal.
  3. Extract the .tar.gz file:
    tar -zxvf Identity_Manager_<version>_Containers.tar.gz
  4. Load the required IDM Docker images:
    docker load -i <image_name>.tar.gz
    for i in ./*; do docker load -i $i; done
  5. Create a shared volume on your Docker host:
    mkdir /data
  6. Set appropriate permissions:
    chmod -R 755 /data
  7. Obtain the server certificate (tomcat.ks). Refer to the Identity Manager Installation Guide.
  8. Create a file. Refer to the official documentation.
  9. Copy the and tomcat.ks files into the /data directory.
  10. (Conditional) For Identity Console deployment, copy keys.pfx and edirapi.conf to the shared volume.For more information refer to the official documentation
  11. Download and extract IDM_compose_script.tgz.
  12. Navigate to the extracted directory and edit the .env file as needed.
  13. Deploy OpenText Identity Manager Containers:
    ./ -i

2.2 Upgrading Existing OpenText Identity Manager Containers

NOTE: Ensure the previous deployment was performed using Docker Compose.

  1. Update Docker and Docker Compose. Refer to the Docker Download Site.
  2. Download and extract Identity_Manager_<version>_Containers.tar.gz.
  3. Load the required IDM Docker images:
    docker load -i <image_name>.tar.gz
    for i in ./*; do docker load -i $i; done
  4. Navigate to the extracted IDM_compose_script.tgz directory and back up the .env file:
    cp .env old.env
  5. Edit the .env file as needed.
  6. Back up the shared volume before proceeding.
  7. Upgrade the containers:
    ./ -u
  8. Remove unreferenced images:
    docker rmi <image_id>


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