DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
When tracing anything in DSTrace via iMonitor, for example an Identity Manager driver problem of the like, often you will use the DSTrace Live option.
There is an odd side effect of DSTrace Live: when you double-click it, you will get the last few seconds of trace, in a shortened form. If you go to the DSTrace History link and click the last DSTrace item, you would expect to see the entire Dstrace history for the last 2-meg file, but the link is actually to:
which does not really help.
If you go to the second last item in the history list, you will see a URL like this:
Note the last part of the URL, the "?file=trace110.html". It turns out the file we need to get at is the next number in sequence. Therefore, in this case it's this URL:
When you replace "110" with "111", you get the last trace file, not just the last second or so that DSTrace Live is currently showing.