Idea ID: 2784170

SCIM 2.0 Driver Shim

Status: Delivered

IT is moving more and more to a hybrid and cloud based approach. To provision identities in a cloud based environment SCIM 2.0 is now a days becoming a major player:

The fact that SCIM 2.0 is extensible makes it a future proof standard, that was lacking in SCIM 1.0.

A lot of competitors (Oracle, Microsoft, Okta, One Identity etc.) already have a connector available. To catch this running train Micro Focus Identity Manager should jump a board by developing a SCIM 2.0 Driver Shim for IDM.


  •   good. still being standardized scim 2.0, in our experiences, vendors are just doing their custom versions of SCIM no following strict to 2.0, so customization in payloads will certainly be on your top of "customization of scim" feature requests  once you release


    NetIQ REST connector is very flexible apart from few limitations, like HTTP methods support (not all HTTP methods) are supported, nothing wrong with NetIQ REST connector, it just nasty developers out there implement APIS wildly not following any standards.




  •   good. still being standardized scim 2.0, in our experiences, vendors are just doing their custom versions of SCIM no following strict to 2.0, so customization in payloads will certainly be on your top of "customization of scim" feature requests  once you release


    NetIQ REST connector is very flexible apart from few limitations, like HTTP methods support (not all HTTP methods) are supported, nothing wrong with NetIQ REST connector, it just nasty developers out there implement APIS wildly not following any standards.




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