IDM currently publishes ProcessedOperationsCounts in cn=monitor but no information about a driver's cache. When queried via dxcmd for "Get driver cache statistics" IDM return both the ProcessedOperationsCounts along with the age and number of transactions in a driver's cache. Especially the age of the oldest transaction and the total number of transactions in the cache are vital in determining the health of a driver.
# cache, subscriber, ProcessedOperationsCount, Delimited Text Driver Test 02, d rivers, driverSet_Stats, IDM, Monitor dn: cn=cache,cn=subscriber,cn=ProcessedOperationsCount,cn=Delimited Text Drive r Test 02,cn=drivers,cn=driverSet_Stats,cn=IDM,cn=Monitor unprocessed-size: 1252 size: 1252 newest: 20240605112008.206Z oldest: 20240524102215.678Z objectclass: Top objectclass: extensibleObject
Does this only works when the driver is in stopped state? I'm currently running on IDM AE, driver in the running state does not give back this values.
Regarding the Driver Admin Guide you need to perform a SubTree search on the driver, this only returns these values:
Does this only works when the driver is in stopped state? I'm currently running on IDM AE, driver in the running state does not give back this values.
Regarding the Driver Admin Guide you need to perform a SubTree search on the driver, this only returns these values:
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