Idea ID: 2871414

Azure - Microsoft Graph API

Status: New Idea

Since Microsoft Graph API is developed further and more thinga are added I would like to know whar possibillities the driver have.

Microsoft doocumentation is pretty good on what api could be used and how. Micrifocus documentation does not have this correlation though.

Therae are a few things I would like to be able to do though the driver nad MS Graph api:

Creation of teams from template.

Clone team from another team.

Create MS365 group.

Add expiration policy.

And probably more things.

Right now we have to use powershell for this.

It would be nice to be able to do these things from Graph but also to be able to look up in the driver documentation what can be done and through Graph so I know when I need to use Powershell.

Even better would be of the REST interface was opend up so we could use that and do our own calls to the API.

Right now the driver is a bit of a black box and What we do is send things to the shim. The shim translates it but we dont always know what goes through graph and what goes through powershell. This distiction will be more important when there are diffrent rights set on the service acoount and the regitered application.

The service account is used for powershell while the regitered app is used for Graph.

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