• UserApp Formbuilder Online mode not working

    Good Morning I have installed and IDM Advanced Edition 4.8.6 and now I'm testing FormBuilder but when I try to activate Online Mode it fails with an error "Failed to fetch OSP details [object Object]" but I don't se anything in catalina and I don't…
  • Identity Reporting fails to upgrade to version 4.9 (7.2.0)

    We are currently in the process of upgrading to Identity Reporting version 4.9 on a Windows Server 2019. So far, we have successfully completed the following steps: -Upgraded the Identity Manager Engine 4.9 and eDirectory 9.2.9 (402010.00) on a separate…
  • IG Approvals tab with CORS error

    Hi all. I'm running IG 4.3.1 and IDM 4.9.0. Single sign on is working fine for IG and IDM, WF console also working fine in IG. All provisioninng configuration is done and also working fine. accessreview.utopia.lab is IG and identitymanagement.utopia…
  • UserApp workflow error : Error occurred checking the object type for cn

    The approval workflow for a resource is giving errors: 13:55:25.634 [https-openssl-nio-8543-exec-3728] INFO com.novell.pwdmgt.util.PasswordHelper - [RBPM] [Login_Success] cn=adminUserApp,ou=People,o=vault successfully logged in. 13:55:25.775 [WORKFLOW…
  • UserApp Task cannot be deleted

    I've deleted a role in the userapp, but this role still had some pending tasks open. Now the task is still visible but cannot be deleted. (it gives an undefined error). The reclaim button is available but does nothing. How to delete these "broken…
  • Workflow Monitoring visible for everyone after upgrade from IDM 4.8.5 to 4.8.7

    After upgrading Identity Manager IDMAPPS (UserApp) from 4.8.5 to 4.8.7 all users cab see the "Administration" tab with "Workflow Monitoring". Below is a screenshot from a logged in user: In the admin settings panel i'm not able to change the visibility…
  • Identity Applications - Permissions - Expiration Date empty

    Version: Identity Manager Dashboard version Hello, Hello, We have a problem with the correct display of role assignments that have an end date set. If a user wants to view this authorization assignment under "Access/Permission", the…
  • How to remove certain lines from catalina.out logfile

    Hi everyone. After we activated a level 7 load balancer in AWS, IDM 4.8.5 userapp and other tomcat based services keep saying that the ALB* cookies being sent have invalid expiry dates, over and over again. It doesn't seen to have any material impact…
  • Errors on catalina.out when opening some Forms in User Application

    Hello, community. The scenario we are dealing is: When opening some forms in UserApplication, the error on the end of this message is populated on catalina.out, the ambient is running on Windows Server 2019, at IDM 4.8.6. The thing is, we have…
  • New Lines for comments in Log Activity

    Hi People, For our PRDs (workflows) we are using "Log Activity" to write messages that are visible while inspecting the PRD activity in the "Request History" module of the User Application. We are trying to print these messages in multiple lines to…
  • User Application widgets not showing up on idmdash after upgrade

    Hi all. I fairly recently upgraded a customers IDM install from 4.6.4 to 4.8.0 on to 4.8.6. There were some bumps in the road along the way, but I seem to have gotten them sorted, except for one thing: After logging in to the User Application…
  • User CN provisioned with underscore ie cn=1_5,ou=users

    We have experienced an issue in the last two weeks that we have never seen before a user is provisioned with two CN identifiers for example a user is created and the CN is 1_5 and also JDOE. This is causing issues with office 365. This behavior is new…
  • Resizing Base64 photo

    Hi! I'm getting this data via REST driver and the "photo" attribute has a size restriction of 59kb. It's mandatory to use that attribute and not a custom one. Is there any way of do a resize of a photo that source format is Base64? I'm thinking that…
  • UserApp 4.8 workflow error: Access token has expired

    I've recently upgraded Userapp from 4.7.3 to 4.8 and getting the below error in catalina log while trying to assign/revoke roles using workflow. (https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-4) [WORKFLOW] Token validation failed. HTTP status code: 400 Detail message from…
  • Upgrade from 4.8.3 to 4.8.5

    After upgrading our UserApp from 4.8.3 to 4.8.5 one of our servers is now throwing this odd error, any help is appreciated. 10:27:49.042 [main] INFO org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Root WebApplicationContext initialized in 4938 ms Cannot…
  • Upgrade from 4.8.3 to 4.8.5 Error

    We were running user application 4.8.3 and upgraded to 4.8.5. 3 servers had no issues, but one server is now throwing this error.: 10:27:49.042 [main] INFO org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Root WebApplicationContext initialized in 4938…
  • UserApp 4.8.4: Edit My Profile user shows error "insufficient rights"

    Hi, I want to enable 'Edit Profile' for end users in User App, I have added the trustee rights for the containers where my users are located. when I go to the My Profile tab and press there the "edit profile" icon, the insufficient rights message is shown…
  • post 4.8.5 upgrade userapp nginx not starting up properly

    After upgrading userApp in our test environment from 4.8.4 to 4.8.5 the packaged nginx server is starting up improperly. It bind to 443 and seems to not get a valid pid file. i'm seeing this in the nginx errorlog: 2022/08/12 14:34:36 [warn] 8814#0…
  • Disable the IDM OSP log rotation

    I have Identity Manager 4.8 installed on RHEL 7.9. I can see the osp-idm log is captured under the below location. /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/logs/osp-idm.2022-08-05.log But I want to change the file format to "osp-idm.log" without date, so that I…
  • Role name in UserApp form shows cn instead of nrflocalizednames

    Hello. Situation 1: The user log into UserApp, start a new request, select a form. Search for a user. The user information loads into the form. In the box where the user's current roles are shown, some roles show the "cn" of the role instead of "nrfLocalizedNames…
  • Userapp/tomcat not getting up after IDM 4.8 upgarde

    I recently upgraded UserApp and IDM from 4.7.3 to 4.8. After that, the Userapp tomcat is not getting up: 30-May-2022 20:38:49.614 INFO [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.VersionLoggerListener.log Server version name: 30-May-2022 20:38:49.616 INFO…
  • Group role approval process not working.

    Task is not getting assigned to group role approver. Group role approver is receiving email, but task is not getting generated. When role group approver tries to login inside user application. No task is assigned to him. I have tried setting the group…
  • Forms unreachable having User App passing through Load Balancer - AWS

    I'm facing an issue to load the workflows (forms based) on User App 4.8 Here is the scenario: We had all configured using IP instead of DNS and the forms were working fine. The client defined the DNS address and created a configuration in the Load…
  • Access to databases with database name of 'idmuserappdb' is not allowed.

    Access to databases with database name of 'idmuserappdb' is not allowed. test coonection is sucessful but adding datasource in idm reporting is not successful showing the above message
  • User Application - Internal exception occurred processing REST service

    Hello, we are facing an issue in the User Application module on an IDM environment. This environment consist of the following modules: eDirectory 9.2.4 iManager 3.2.4 Identity Manager Engine 4.8.3 User Application 4.8.3 Identity Reporting…