• What workflow engine the new IDM Release - 24.4 (4.10) uses?

    Hello, community. Does the new version uses form.io as the 4.8.x IDM versions used for workflows or is it a new one for the 4.10 release? I searched on the documentation but didn't found this mentioned. Thank you for the collaboration.
  • Identity Application loading extremely slow

    I'm on Identity Application 4.8.7. Several of the REST calls are so resource intensive for the backend eDirectory server, that they time out if more than a handful of people are logging in. Even with only one person logging in, the calls take 30+ seconds…
  • netiq idmapplications user app:The requested service may have been disabled or not configured properly

    I have installed a POC with IDM+IdentityApps 4.8.6 (4.8 -> 4.8.6) to work with FromBuilder feature but qhen I try to create a new request and I look for the permission (PRD) created with Designer it doesn't retrieve any result. In the Chrome Developer…
  • Delegate or proxy the power as a head of team?

    Hi we have IDM and user app 4.9 running on Windows servers. In the user app we set the teams with manager-employee-relations. The manager is required to request the access rights in the user app for new team members. We have planned to use the proxy…
  • JSON Forms: Clear Field value on change of checkboxes

    Dear Forum, I had defined a JSON Form providing two checkbockes and a text field. During the initialization of the form, or after selecting a user in a dnlookup filed, the text filed is initialized with an attribute value of the selected user, and…
  • Userapplication ./configupdate.sh error saving configuration 4.8.5

    Hi, we have 2 identical sles 15 sp6 and installed UserApp wie bundleinstaller to 4.8.5. One server is properly working, the other is unable to save config values after hiting ok in configupdate.sh Im able to connect to eDir in configupdate after…
  • Unable to access any menu option on Configuration and Administration menus of UA portal

    This is an IDM 4.8.5 running on SUSE 12 SP4. We are unable to access any of the options on Configuration and Administration menus on UserApplication portal. We open the menu click on any of the options and it goes to the Dashboard page. On the other…
  • IG Approvals tab with CORS error

    Hi all. I'm running IG 4.3.1 and IDM 4.9.0. Single sign on is working fine for IG and IDM, WF console also working fine in IG. All provisioninng configuration is done and also working fine. accessreview.utopia.lab is IG and identitymanagement.utopia…
  • UserApplication restapi

    is it possible to set nrfOriginator to an request object via restcall with /roles/role/assignments/assign ? the value "USER_APP" is set per default at the moment.
  • Custom Group Entitlement

    Dear Forum Users, I added a custom user and group entitlement to my new REST driver. The group entitlement is a copy of the entitlement definition used by the Active Directory driver. The driver is capable of processing the XDS query and returns…
  • IDM + AA for advanced authentication methods

    Has anyone implemented IDM Advanced + AA in order to get MFA for portal/SSPR login? Any thoughts to share?
  • User Application: Let manager search only subordinates

    Hi, as a requirement from our client we need to enable the user search functionality on the User Application portal, the user must have the ability to view and search the following users on their list: Themselves. The users that are their subordinates…
  • Errors on catalina.out when opening some Forms in User Application

    Hello, community. The scenario we are dealing is: When opening some forms in UserApplication, the error on the end of this message is populated on catalina.out, the ambient is running on Windows Server 2019, at IDM 4.8.6. The thing is, we have…
  • identity application

    Hello, After settlement and acceptance of the Identity Application on a test infrastructure, does a solution exist to copy it to production with a limited adaptation ? regards
  • Restrict access to Formbuilder Request Forms

    Hi At a client we are restricting access to PRDs using ACLs of Role Objects. So, e.g. this specific PRD is only accessible by members of role “Antragsteller Plus” and additionally uaadmin. dn: cn=WF-001-Sekundaerbenutzerkonto,cn=RequestDefs,cn=AppConfig…
  • Customize SSO login page to replace a text

    Hi, I am looking to replace a text in the SSO Original Text is This Identity Provider needs to validate your identity. Please login to your existing account here so that we can return verification back to your local service. Replace text: Please enter…
  • Workflow Task Approvation provManager and provAdmin

    Hello, I have my Workflow with three levels on approvers. In my workflow I perform a validation if it contains a specific attribute, it has to go through the 3 levels of approval even if the request is made by access control. When a user does NOT…
  • Split Code Map Refresh log in different trace log file

    Hello, community! Is there anyway to separate the logs once the code map refresh runs? If I'm not wrong, the AD driver does it by default, but others drivers don't. That's because everytime the code map refresh runs, some of our trace logs files,…
  • /opt/netiq/idm/postgres/bin/postgres: undefined symbol: RAND_cleanup

    Hi, I upgraded my test system running on SLES 15 SP1 to IDM 4.8.7, and now postgresql does not start. The logfile is giving me: /opt/netiq/idm/postgres/bin/postgres: symbol lookup error: /opt/netiq/idm/postgres/bin/postgres: undefined symbol: RAND_cleanup…
  • Form Builder and Rest API function: Delete Cache

    Hello, I am using Form Builder with JSON forms and I need to make a request to clear the cache, I want to use the function: /rest/admin/cache/holder/item from the Rest API: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/identity-manager-developer/rest-api…
  • User Application widgets not showing up on idmdash after upgrade

    Hi all. I fairly recently upgraded a customers IDM install from 4.6.4 to 4.8.0 on to 4.8.6. There were some bumps in the road along the way, but I seem to have gotten them sorted, except for one thing: After logging in to the User Application…
  • Workflow not acessible - Bad Gateway

    Hello, community. I'm getting an error while trying to access the workflows in UserApplication I was checking the URL and I found that there is a missing "/" after the "forms". I am not sure if this is the error but there is nothing else in catalina…
  • User CN provisioned with underscore ie cn=1_5,ou=users

    We have experienced an issue in the last two weeks that we have never seen before a user is provisioned with two CN identifiers for example a user is created and the CN is 1_5 and also JDOE. This is causing issues with office 365. This behavior is new…
  • Validating end date in IDM workflow form

    Hi, I have a form in a workflow for creating a new user. I am using the NetIQ Form Builder. The form has a start date (data.startdate) and an end date (data.enddate) - both date/time components. I want to verify that the end date is no more than 2 years…
  • Error Saving "configupdate" Updates after NetIQ IDM 4.8.7 Update

    I am reaching out to request your assistance regarding an issue I am encountering after updating NetIQ IDM from version 4.8 to 4.8.7. I have successfully initiated the update process, and it is progressing smoothly. However, I am facing a problem with…