• Formbuilder 4.8 : Filling tree component data from eDirectory

    Hi I'm testing the FormBuilder and I'd like to know if there is any way to fill de TREE Element data from eDirectory. I want a tree with the containers structure starting from an specific point. I have seen that this component has the option JSON…
  • UserApp Formbuilder Online mode not working

    Good Morning I have installed and IDM Advanced Edition 4.8.6 and now I'm testing FormBuilder but when I try to activate Online Mode it fails with an error "Failed to fetch OSP details [object Object]" but I don't se anything in catalina and I don't…
  • Form Builder in IDM 4.9 - does it require internet connection

    Hi, after upgrading from IDM 4.8 to 4.9 I noticed that Form Builder is not showing javascript code when editing logic on a component. That lead me to the debugger in Form Builder, where I see failing requests to cdn.form.io/ace/1.4.10/ace.js Am I…
  • IDM 4.8 Form Builder does not display components in Designer

    We are trying to use FormBuilder in designer but the components doesn´t seems to load correctly (see attached image). Looks like some stylesheets are missing. There is no problem to load a form in IDMdash. Any ideas what could cause this?
  • IDM Form redirect to wrong port in OSP

    We are running the following versions of IDM Modules: IDM Apps 4.8.7 FormBuilder 4.8.7 When we try to load a form from Idmdash (trying to load "Helpdesk Ticket Creation Form"), we're redirected to a url with the wrong port This is the URL it will redirect…
  • Form builder: Setting property with logic breaks select field rendering

    Hi, I have a select field that should display some employment types. On Calculated Default Value i make a query and set the field value with: instance.setFieldValue(empTypes,"XATTRIBAssocRole","Description"); That works perfecty fine and renders…
  • Restrict access to Formbuilder Request Forms

    Hi At a client we are restricting access to PRDs using ACLs of Role Objects. So, e.g. this specific PRD is only accessible by members of role “Antragsteller Plus” and additionally uaadmin. dn: cn=WF-001-Sekundaerbenutzerkonto,cn=RequestDefs,cn=AppConfig…
  • Form builder: Hide DN Displays until resolved

    Hi! I am trying to figure out a way to make my form look cleaner and before I throw myself into a silly workaround I thought I would check in with the community! :) I want to show roleassigments of a role, with information on the assignees, such…
  • Form Builder 4.8.7 - Custom Errors - Localization

    Hello, with the new form builder 4.8.7 there is an option to set custom error message for different keys/"events": This new feature works fine, but I struggle to localize those error messages for different languages. Is there a way to localize…
  • CSS Framework with NetIQ Formbuilder

    Is it possible to use CSS frameworks from Form.io with NetIQ Forms in the Formbuilder, and if so, what is the process for integrating them?
  • Populate a FormBuilder Select component's drop-down choices, with a resource's entitlement values, while supporting search-as-you-type

    I'm using IDM 4.8.5 (due to a bug I found in 4.8.6) and trying to populate a FormBuilder Select component's drop-down choices, with a resource's entitlement values, while supporting search-as-you-type. Every time I seem to get it working, I run into…
  • Form Builder's "Dynamic Entity" "Display Expression"

    I'm trying to simply display the selected user data in a certain format (using a Dynamic Entity Component). Specifically, I want it to display as (CN="tuser1", FirstName="Test1", LastName="User1"): "tuser1: User1, Test1" I'm able to lookup the users…
  • FormBuilder util.failureNotification pop up placement

    Hi, I am trying to show an error message to the user in some cases. How could i place this error message, such that it is visible to the user? By default it seems to go in the top, which is not visible if the user is further down the form. The same…
  • Setting time with FormBuilder Date/time

    Hi, I would like to use a Date/Time component to get a date and time from the user. If I enable both date and time, the pop up will only ask for date. If I disable the date, I will get a pop up for time. Is there a way to get pop up for both, to avoid…
  • Special characters in IDVault.get (formbuilder)

    Hello I have the following issue. We are building a form with formbuilder that has to show some attributes we read from a group object in eDirectory. We are tying to use the built-in IDVault.get function that can be dragged into the javacode in…
  • Identify the user who approves a workflow

    Good morning to all. I have a question about how workflows work. I hope I can explain myself and that someone can help me with this. I am developing a simple role request workflow. A user requests a role and this request has to be previously approved…
  • Submitting Workflow with an button

    Hi! I have Identity Application Forms project and I was just wondering if it is possible to start a workflow with a button in a form. I have a form called "edit user" which calls workflow "ediUserWorkflow" and want to add button "disable user" to call…
  • JSON Form - validation error of required component

    Hello, I have a select component with required validation so that the select must to bee with value to approve the form. when the user changes the select value it's all ok and I don't have any errors. but when I am changing the select value from…
  • IDM 4.8.4 - Form Builder - Validation

    Hello! I'm in the process of developing an account creation form with the new Form Builder. Within this form it is possible that the user enters a desired name (=CN of the object). Of course, this name must be unique and if the name is already assigned…
  • Form Builder - Radio button dynamic update issue

    Hello, I have issues to get radio button component to show and update current values. Example form with two fields. - Dynamic entity to select User - Radio button component with two values to select Employee Type (Label = Internal User, value=int |…
  • IDM FormBuilder - how to get a "proxy as" user's ID when the user uses proxy rights?

    Hello IDM community, We have a WF which can be called only by managers (or manager can set his proxy). When the manager sets proxy rights for one of his directReports, then the proxy user is able to start the WF. We have a following code, where the…
  • FormBuilder: Custom Validation with globalQuery

    Hello All, Has anyone used IDVault.globalQuery with param in Text Field Custom Validation? I want to query uniqueness of the text typed in the field. I'm not able to return the needed "valid"-variable, when used the IDVault.globalQuery in validation…
  • How to populate a Select based on other field using json forms

    Hello, everyone. I'm starting to work with json forms and I have to create an User. While creating the new user, I need to select the Manager and based on what's select in the Manager field it should display all the departments that this manager is…
  • where i can find service registry for FormBuilder - Designer 4.8 (mac)

    Hello, today i played with the new Form Builder in Designer 4.8. I wanted to test the "online" feature and found the following in the documentation to configure the service registry: Navigate to designer/plugins/<name of the form builder><com.mf.linux…