• "IDVault is not defined" Error in Custom Function – IDM 4.9 Form Builder

    I am building a form in "Form Builder", IDM 4.9 , but I am encountering the following issue... I am trying to create a function where I need to perform some IDVault.get calls, but when I call the function, I get the following error: "IDVault is not…
  • NetIQ Idm 4.8 Formbuilder Redirect request to another request filling fields

    I'm testing Formbuilder and I would like to know if there is a way to redirect from one request to another filling the fields in the new form. I want a first form to select user and then, depending the usertype, redirect to another form filling automatticaly…
  • NetIQ Idm 4.8 Formbuilder Add OK button and time to Calendar

    Hi I'm testing with Formbuilder and the component Date / Time and I have found 2 problems: 1. When activating Date and Time I still only view the date, not the time 2. Does anyone knows is there is a way to add a OK button to the Calendar? …
  • Formbuilder 4.8 : Filling tree component data from eDirectory

    Hi I'm testing the FormBuilder and I'd like to know if there is any way to fill de TREE Element data from eDirectory. I want a tree with the containers structure starting from an specific point. I have seen that this component has the option JSON…
  • JSON Forms: Object data and intance methodes

    Dear all, to be honest I am feeling a little lost, working with Form Builder and even IDM 4.9 did not provide a huge step forward regarding it´s documentation. I know, there is a general documentation available on FormIO, but at least speaking…
  • JSON Forms: Clear Field value on change of checkboxes

    Dear Forum, I had defined a JSON Form providing two checkbockes and a text field. During the initialization of the form, or after selecting a user in a dnlookup filed, the text filed is initialized with an attribute value of the selected user, and…
  • Using DAL Queries in Form Builder

    Hello, does someone know how to use DAL Queries in Form Builder? Actually I am looking for an example similar as shown in the Documentation , but using Form Builder. I wonder why the Documentation still refers the old forms??? Any input is very…
  • IDM 4.8.7 - Forms - dynamic Entity - localizedName

    Hello, IDM version 4.8.7 (Forms version ->The version that came with IDM 4.8.7 as an optional one) I have a Dynamic Entity as a component. There I have stored a localizedString as display value. However, it only ever takes the English translation and…
  • Form Builder in IDM 4.9 - does it require internet connection

    Hi, after upgrading from IDM 4.8 to 4.9 I noticed that Form Builder is not showing javascript code when editing logic on a component. That lead me to the debugger in Form Builder, where I see failing requests to cdn.form.io/ace/1.4.10/ace.js Am I…
  • IDM 4.8 Form Builder does not display components in Designer

    We are trying to use FormBuilder in designer but the components doesn´t seems to load correctly (see attached image). Looks like some stylesheets are missing. There is no problem to load a form in IDMdash. Any ideas what could cause this?
  • Forms 4.8.7 - calculated Value - Recalculation buggy?

    Hello, We are using the latest form builder version, which was released with IDM 4.8.7 (which could be installed optionally). We wanted to create a simple "Modify" form and use "calculated values" to fill in the different fields (first name, last name…
  • NetIQ IDM 4.8.6 - Form Builder - Multiple DNs to be returned

    I want to update some attributes of the multiple identities at the same time using single form. In below screenshot I have selected 3 identities using DN Query in the backend. In the provisioning request definition I only have 1 field to enter the…
  • Form builder: Setting property with logic breaks select field rendering

    Hi, I have a select field that should display some employment types. On Calculated Default Value i make a query and set the field value with: instance.setFieldValue(empTypes,"XATTRIBAssocRole","Description"); That works perfecty fine and renders…
  • Form builder: Hide DN Displays until resolved

    Hi! I am trying to figure out a way to make my form look cleaner and before I throw myself into a silly workaround I thought I would check in with the community! :) I want to show roleassigments of a role, with information on the assignees, such…
  • Form Builder 4.8.7 - Custom Errors - Localization

    Hello, with the new form builder 4.8.7 there is an option to set custom error message for different keys/"events": This new feature works fine, but I struggle to localize those error messages for different languages. Is there a way to localize…
  • Form Builder and Rest API function: Delete Cache

    Hello, I am using Form Builder with JSON forms and I need to make a request to clear the cache, I want to use the function: /rest/admin/cache/holder/item from the Rest API: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/identity-manager-developer/rest-api…
  • NetIQ IDM Form Builder Field to Display Manager's Employees

    I have a requirement to be present in the form in which I need to display the employees that are working under a manager. I am using queries to fetch a set of Users and with the help of the DN Query component in the form I am able to display all the…
  • Validating end date in IDM workflow form

    Hi, I have a form in a workflow for creating a new user. I am using the NetIQ Form Builder. The form has a start date (data.startdate) and an end date (data.enddate) - both date/time components. I want to verify that the end date is no more than 2 years…
  • Form Builder: How to use a jQuery library - datatables

    Hello, I was tasked with building a logbook of sorts. All entries have to be displayed in a table. Because thare are lots of entries the table needs pagination. You have to be able to search trough the entries and be able to sort them. Lastly you must…
  • IDM 4.8 Form Builder - onClick function to make components visible

    Hello, everyone! I'm trying to build a Workflow to create a new company. The workflow should have by default only two visible components: a EIN input and a validate EIN button. (1 - First picture) But, it will have other fields to register all…
  • Building a button with a custom function to validate other field input

    Hello, everyone. I'm trying to do a custom button which will validate the input typed on other field. The thing is I can't quite understand how can the click on that button invoke the function and to the validations. I don't know if is necessary…
  • trigger validation on textbox without changing\focusing on field

    Hello I am working on a request form several text fields are being pre loaded from another input. I want to perform validation on that input. I want to trigger the onChange validation or blur validation without the user needs to actually change…
  • Form Builder: How to get approver info to approval form?

    How do I get approver info (e.g. name or email) to approval form's text component? Not the trustee(s) but the person info that opens the form for approval. -tjka-
  • CSS Framework with NetIQ Formbuilder

    Is it possible to use CSS frameworks from Form.io with NetIQ Forms in the Formbuilder, and if so, what is the process for integrating them?
  • Form Builder's "Dynamic Entity" "Display Expression"

    I'm trying to simply display the selected user data in a certain format (using a Dynamic Entity Component). Specifically, I want it to display as (CN="tuser1", FirstName="Test1", LastName="User1"): "tuser1: User1, Test1" I'm able to lookup the users…