• Designer 4.10 does not start on MacOS

    Designer 4.10 might not start on MacOS, I got two errors during startup: First this: Follow this TID: https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7024282 Then it will complain that it can’t find "../../../jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib…
  • Netiq Desinger Autentication Error Import Vault

    Hi Team. We have IDM 4.8.7 and Designer We lost connections (before we can connect and import or deploy objetcs) to Vault from Designer but we can connect to Vaul using Identity Console and the same credentials: Host: IP:636 User:…
  • Simulation of matching in Desinger 4.9 is not working as expected

    Today I was starting to simulate the do-find-matching-object action during a demonstration / training, and found the simulation was only working, if exactly one object was found. If the response to the query issued by the do-find-matching-object action…
  • Simulation of matching not working in Designer 4.9

    Today I was starting to run a few simulations of the do-find-matching action in Designer 4.9 and found, the simulation is broken, if muktiple objects are returnd in the query. As long as the response to the query, buid besed on the do-find-matching…
  • ACDI WOrkflow Monitor package cannot be installed

    I was following the exact steps descibed in https://www.netiq.com/documentation/identity-manager-49/acdi_guide/data/installing-workflow-package-acdi.html and when I add the package and try to apply it I get "Package 'ACDI Workflow Monitor' (…
  • JSON Form Select from Global List

    Hi all, I'm new to NetIQ & currently learning how to make forms & workflows. I have a list item in the DAL that I would like to show as options in a select component, but I can't figure out how to do this. Is this possible?
  • Calling XSLT From Within a Policy

    Hi all, I have a nodeset that I got from a query. I'd like to sort it based on the value of a specific child. Can I call XSLT from within a driver policy? So, I'd like to apply an xsl:sort to these vars: Is it possible to apply xslt to a nodeset…
  • Reading Expiry Date of CA Cert in Driver

    Hi all, I need to read cert expiry dates and put them into a mail that goes out once a month. I've made a null driver that runs via a scheduled job. Reading the expiry dates of all certs except CA is easy enough because the objects have an attribute…
  • Designer Timeout issue

    Updated Designer to 4.8.7. When trying to do deploy or compare I get the error message that edirectory can't be accessed. In the logs I see: !ENTRY org.eclipse.jface 4 0 2023-08-15 12:44:15.516 !MESSAGE Unhandled event loop exception during blocked…
  • Driver XPath Get XML element value

    I have the XML response in Driver's local variable ' lv-Result '. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="urn:partner.soap.sforce.com" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001…
  • Deploying password from Designer for the Default Notification Collection doesn't work

    Hi, I have environment with eDirectory 9.2.7 and IDM 4.8.6 on Windows Server 2019. I can't deploy the password for the Default Notification Collection for authenticating the user to the SMTP server. I get the following error message from the Deployment…
  • require token-src-dn value without \

    Hi, I need one help. I am using designer tool to work with one custom java class call. Here I need to pass token-src-dn as parameter to java method but thing is token-src-dn value is in escape character format. Java is not able to accept this format as…
  • Updating UserApplication packages with NOVLUABASE_4.8.6.20220912161613.jar

    Could someone explain the packages update delivery? The 4.8.6 documentiation mentions the neccesity to update the UserApplication package with NOVLUABASE_4.8.6.20220912161613.jar. There is the Designer update archive among the patch binaries but I cannot…
  • An error has occurred during the creation of the activity. please forward the WSDL to Novell support.

    Hi, I am trying to use the roleservice wsdl in an integration activity in idm I downloaded the wsdl file from /IDMProv/role/service When trying to use it in the integration activity, I get an error dialogue saying: "An error has occurred…
  • Identify the user who approves a workflow

    Good morning to all. I have a question about how workflows work. I hope I can explain myself and that someone can help me with this. I am developing a simple role request workflow. A user requests a role and this request has to be previously approved…
  • JSON Form - validation error of required component

    Hello, I have a select component with required validation so that the select must to bee with value to approve the form. when the user changes the select value it's all ok and I don't have any errors. but when I am changing the select value from…
  • JSON Form set default value dynamicalli in select box

    Hello, I am loading dynamic values into a select box. I am using " IDVault . globalQuery (.......)" to get the data and then I insert it into the select box in that way: instance . setFieldValue ( response , "dn" , "Description" ); Is there…
  • JSON Forms - Loading select box options with async queries

    I am using JSON Forms and I need to load a list of users full names dynamically into a select box, I select the users with RoleVault . getUsersToRoleAssignments(......) and I get many DN of users, for every DN, I need to select his full name and add…
  • PRD workflow form - Email not fetching in the next form field as expected

    Hi, I am creating a form in which in the "search" field, I have used DNLookup to look for a User object in the eDirectory. In the next form field, I want the email should auto-populate of the User selected in the "search" field. Below is the function…
  • Unable to retrieve ManagerEmail in PRD

    Hi, I have a PRD created in which there is a DNLookup to get the Manager and assign the new contractor under him. I am able to retrieve the ManagerFirstName by e valuating the script : flowdata.get(' managerFirstName '), whereas I am unable to retrieve…
  • Designer - Can't update Epic EMP Driver Default plugin

    Hello, For quite a while this plugin update shows up when I start Designer. Attempting to update it results in this error: ' Is there a way to get it to download or stop it from repeatedly showing up? Note that I don't need the plugin. I'm…
  • Designer 4.8.5 Mac (Monterey) libmanagement.dylib

    Mac keeps displaying from time to time ... Question can be however ignored. "libmanagement.dylib cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified." Is there a fix available to this? --Vellu
  • Debugging a designer

    I have a PRD defined, but in the final stage, the email is not getting triggered. How can I debug the workflow in the designer?
  • Email notification for PRD completion in designer

    I have a PRD created for contractor onboarding. The workflow goes into L1 and L2 approval stage, where the email triggering is working. The email notification for the PRD completion does not get triggered. I have enabled the "notify by email" as true…
  • Does Designer 4.7 use log4j?

    Does Designer 4.7 use log4j to create it's log?