Will percent-encoded mapping tables edited by Identity Console break anything?


Customer wants to edit mapping tables with Identity Console like they have previously done with iManager. With Identity Console 1.9, I see some improvements with the mapping table editor over previous versions, so we consider upgrading to this version. One unexpected behavior that I continue to see is that the mapping table is saved with percent encoding on the DirXML-Data attribute.

While Identity Console is able to read back these percent-encoded mapping tables, I wonder if this can cause issues in other IDM components, for example in:

  • DirXML Script policies that use the mapping tables with <token-map>
  • DirXML Script policies that read mapping tables using <token-document> or <token-attr>
  • The NetIQ Designer mapping table editor
  • The iManager mapping table editor

Example LDIF of mapping table before edit in Identity Console:

dn: cn=IAGTPWGEN-mt,cn=iagtLibrary,cn=driverset1,o=system
DirXML-ContentType: application/vnd.novell.dirxml.mapping-table+xml ;charset=U
DirXML-Data:: PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIj8+CjxtYXBwaW5nLXRhYmxlPgoJPGNvbC1kZWYg
objectClass: DirXML-Resource
objectClass: Top

In Identity Console, I edit the mapping table as follows:

-> Libraries-> iagtLibrary-> Mapping Tables (tab)-> IAGTPWGEN-mt.iagtLibrary.driverset1.system -> Save (down arrow icon)

The mapping table LDIF now looks like this:

dn: cn=IAGTPWGEN-mt,cn=iagtLibrary,cn=driverset1,o=system
DirXML-ContentType: application/vnd.novell.dirxml.mapping-table+xml ;charset=U
DirXML-Data: %3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%20encoding%3D%22UTF-8%22%3F%3E%0D
objectClass: DirXML-Resource
objectClass: Top

Regards, Ivar


Identity Manager