ACDI Run Scripts

Hi All,

I was trying to install ACDI in my server. The ring has two servers one of them is on IDM 4.9 over 9.2.9 edirectory and other one on IDM 4.8.7 running on 9.2.8 edirectory.

I am trying to ACDI on a separate server

When trying to run to autorun acdi components, this is the error that I am getting



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    I've just got the test enviroment here up and running..

    I'm guessing you've opened port 3190 inbound on the ACDI server??? Have you tested connectivity from IDM severs to the ACDI server  using Curl or wget?

    Have you imported the cert bundle and pushed it down via the driver set i Designer? I found I had to manually set the cert path again in the driver, along with the PW etc

  • Suggested Answer


    I moved this discussion from Access Manager to Identity Manager discussions where you might get more responses.

    Regarding errors in starting up ACDI components, have you set up required memory (minimum 16GB according to System Requirements)? Server requires quite some memory just for starting up all components (I *think* some components have quite high initial memory setting, hence they cannot start if memory is consumed by other components with high initial memory setting)

    When I was setting up my test ACDI I thought that it should really be enough half of required memory, but run into similar problems. And when troubleshooting I was running in circles for quite some time, but then attended ACDI workshop at TTP conference where Rodrigo shared that very important information (I should read documentation and follow it Sweat smile).

    Anyway, if anybody is interested, there is similar workshop in end of February in Germany:  Half Day Hands-On Workshop at TTP EMEA Munich: ACDI - the new feature of IDM 4.9, Feb 23rd 

    Kind regards,


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