UserApp Formbuilder Online mode not working

Good Morning

I have installed and IDM Advanced Edition 4.8.6 and now I'm testing FormBuilder but when I try to activate Online Mode it fails with an error "Failed to fetch OSP details [object Object]" but I don't se anything in catalina and I don't find this error in any log in the computer where Designer is running nor in the UserApps or IDVault server.

I have modified the file "D:\Proyectos\acdi training\Designer\configuration\ServiceRegistry.json" with this options and none of them are working.

"FormsBackendUrl": "">"

"FormsBackendUrl": "">"

"FormsBackendUrl": "">suseidmapps:8600/WFHandler"

"FormsBackendUrl": "">suseidmapps:8600/WFHandler"

I have added to file /opt/netiq/common/nginx/nginx.conf

server {
listen 8600 ssl;
server_name  suseidmapps;

but nothing works

Could someone tell me which are the steps to configure Online Mode or where can I check this error??

thanks a lot :)

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