Hello friends, we are try to Deploy a Entity to EDirectory and get this error:
I am run validator and do not see any error related to User Object. Where can I see details about this type of error?.
DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Hello friends, we are try to Deploy a Entity to EDirectory and get this error:
I am run validator and do not see any error related to User Object. Where can I see details about this type of error?.
Hello Marlon,
Have you tried to have a look at the "Project Checker" and then validate the DAL?
1) Windows -> Show View -> Project Checker
2) Right click on the DAL and select "validate".
That might give you more information.
Hello cpedersen thanks for your answer.
Yes, I am runnig the project checker and export the results but I cant see nothing related to User Object.
But I see something wrong, Project Checker show me 100 of 5059 Items as you see in the image
But when I export to a file only get 256 Rows. No filter are apply to the Project Checker.
I never export the project checker results, but you can create a filter which might help you.
Try with Provisioning -> Entity, that might (with a bit of luck) provide some useful information.
Thanks, I filter the results following your information plus show only errors. Now I can see what append and I can fix it.
Thank you!
Good that it worked out, happy to help.