REST driver pagination any news?


I have read a couple of discussion on here from 4 years ago with some cleaver workarounds for pagination on REST drivers.

I have looked at the documentation for 4.8 and found this section

And this seems like an easy setup:

But when I go to set it up i only have "text fields" in the configuration page..

Have any of you had any luck setting up pagination via this configuration?

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    You need to enable Pagination. What version of IDM is this - you might need to use 4.8.6 or later to get the option (I did not see it with 4.8.5, but 4.8,7 does show it).

    And please, do report back on how it works.

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    Have anyone made this work?

    I have a response like this : 

    "@odata.context": "">$metadata
    "@odata.count": 3026,
    "value": [
    "@odata.nextLink": "">

    I have set the driver to 

    When does the next page "happen"?

    I call the endpoint - then i read the data by grabbing xpath(.) and using javascript i extract my data.

    Then i work on the data and in this case add my employees and then i do strip xpath (.) 

    Otherwise i get something like "error because of opperation data in input element"

    Then my driver kinda stops..

    So when are the Driver calling the next page? have i stripped the next page information? Can i add it with xpath somehow?

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    I THINK the shim is expecting your JSON->XML to spit out an <instance> doc and probably with a <query-token> node specifying the next node.  SO in your case, @odata.nextLink in some format. 

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    Hm ok.

    Im having some trouble wrapping my head around how the driverconfiguration actually works..

    Im on the publisher channel in "poll"-mode so data flows into the IDM i get a response body from the pull wich i work on and thats all fine, but when should the driverconfiguration regarding paging actually do its job? seems to me that it should "work on its own" without me tampering with the xml dokument (other than getting my data out). 

    And if i were to create a query in my own code, disregarding the driverconfiguration, how would it travel alle the way around to the subscriber channel and make a new poll/query?

    Does anyone have a document with either the driverconfiguration working or a modified document with a query, that I can replicate in my driver?

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    Not for the publisher, only subscriber, but I have shared a tiny bit of how I did it: - my way of doing it probably just one out of hundreds (and the the most complex one).

    Using the publisher pull, should also be possible. Why not set the trace level as high as possible (99), let the driver do a pull and see how the http headers look like - that might help you in figuring out how to configure the pagination part.

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