IDM 4.9 released

Looks like it is out!  Available in SLD as a new item in the third row as 4.9

List of featues I heard are:

  • Support for "Microsoft Modern Authentication" - Introduces support for OAuth2 authentication specifically tailored for email accounts within Office 365.
  • Cumulative Full Installer
  • Form Renderer Updates - Revamped form renderer with updated libraries for flexible data entry.
  • ACDI – Monitoring ( Audit, Compliance and Data Intelligence ) 
  • User application Monitoring Improvements - Real-time insights via CN = Monitor for improved user application monitoring.
  • IDM Containers (OT UBI, AWS, Azure)
  • Azure AD Driver performance and scalability

Seems like some interesting changes.

I see the DTD for DirXML Script got updated with two new lines:

Changes in 4.9

Rats, do I need to update my book again?  :)  I think I will wait for some bigger changes before making a new edition.

What else have you guys found new in 4.9?

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    Hi all, I just want to quickly mention, that there is an issue with sending emails from templates with version 4.9!

    DirXML Log Event -------------------

         Driver:   \WORKFORCE\server\s05edir02_driverset\User Notification

         Channel:  Subscriber

         Status:   Error

         Message:  Code(-9195) Error in : Couldn't send email: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'int com.sun.mail.util.QEncoderStream.encodedLength(byte[], boolean)'

    Maybe this information helps anyone out there to notice this before upgrading a productive environment and then suddenly realizing, that notifications are not working anymore Slight smile
    There is an SR opened already for this issue, but currently there is not really a workaround. We needed to provide a new server with 4.8.7 which now runs the driver sending the notifications...

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    I have just installed and tested this on IDM 4.9 on oes24.3, so this must be specific to your environment.

    I have to note in this environment we are not using any authentication for SMTP.

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