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identity console - missing text

I have installed identity console 1.3 as a docker image.

It sort of almost works, unfortunately text are missing from icons and whatnot. What can be the issue here? (see pictures below)

The user logged in here is supervisor on [root], so I guess eDir rights is not an issue.

  • Verified Answer


    What's your browser language?

    Does it work if you switch to en-us?

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    It was "danish", changing to "english" made it render OK.

    Wonder what we can do about that, since the client's browser settings will not be english?

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    It look as if the app doesn't always fall back to default resources (english) if the browser is set to an unsupported language in all cases.

    IIRC we had something similar with the best-locale-filter in tomcat. Seems that this can also be a problem in Angular/Golang stacks.

    You'll have to open a support case to get this sorted.

  • 0   in reply to   

    It look as if the app doesn't always fall back to default resources (english) if the browser is set to an unsupported language in all cases.

    IIRC we had something similar with the best-locale-filter in tomcat. Seems that this can also be a problem in Angular/Golang stacks.

    You'll have to open a support case to get this sorted.
